Nonprofits Social Media Strategy and Online Communities

Do you run a nonprofit and are struggling to recruit volunteers and raise funds in the post-Covid-19 era? Here is how you can implement efficient social media strategies to leverage the power of online communities.

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Finding donors and sponsors consistently has always been a challenge faced by most nonprofit organizations.

In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, this issue has become even more pronounced for nonprofits as they struggle with financial burdens. It is time to upgrade the methods of attracting volunteers and fundraising in the post-Covid-19 era.

Thankfully, with the power of social media, nonprofits can strategically plan and implement their volunteer recruitment and fundraising procedures.

According to the Global NGO Technology Survey, 87% of the nonprofits surveyed worldwide use social media, and 53% of nonprofits spend money on social media advertising.

However, simply using social media is not enough to create the desired results. Nonprofits need to implement well-designed strategies to be able to leverage the power of online communities.

Popular Social Media Sites for Nonprofits

Popular Social Media Sites for Nonprofits

There are several social media platforms that nonprofits can use to post engaging content to attract their target audience.

These social media platforms are 100% free, and organizations don’t have to dig into their precious funds to post on social media. Here are some of the most popular social media sites for nonprofits.


An extremely popular social media platform, Facebook has around 3 billion users, most of who are between the ages of 25 to 35.

By posting on Facebook, you can ensure that your message reaches a wide audience. Facebook also offers a variety of tools that can be used by nonprofits for various purposes, including fundraising. 

It is easy to set up a fundraising campaign and start receiving donations. A donation button can also be added to your profile, ads, and posts. You can stream live events, broadcast events, and share visual or textual content to reach a large audience.


Instagram is a highly visual platform that is popular with the younger generation. It has a feature called Instagram funding that is a great tool for nonprofits.

Users can add donation buttons to Instagram profiles and stories to encourage their followers to contribute. It is also possible to host a live fundraising event on the platform. While Instagram is ideal for posting visual content, crafting meaningful captions that entice users to engage with the content can also help to improve reach.


Twitter is a social media platform that is popular with Gen Z. Nonprofits often use hashtag campaigns, and Twitter is the best platform for this.

With just 280 characters per tweet, the platform can be used to share quick updates and links to your site. Twitter posts need to be concise to adhere to the brief character space allowed. 


TikTok is a social media platform with a majority of the user base in the age group of 10 to 19 years. It is a good platform for brands that want to get their message across to the younger generation in a fun and entertaining way.

Nonprofits can work with influencers to increase awareness about their work. However, TikTok might not be that useful for fundraising as most of the users are too young to be able to donate.


LinkedIn is different from other social media platforms as it is geared more toward professionals and business owners.

Most LinkedIn users are between the ages of 46 and 55 years old. This is the ideal demographic for nonprofits to target and network with.

LinkedIn is great for building connections with prospective volunteers and potential donors. It also has a feature called LinkedIn Live that allows your organization to live-stream videos. 

Benefits of Social Media for Nonprofits

Benefits of Social Media communities for Nonprofits

If used diligently, social media can help nonprofits in many ways.

  • Make a big impact with a small budget
  • Make it easier for patrons to donate
  • Share interactive content to boost engagement
  • Use hashtags to reach a wider audience 
  • Use audio-visual media to drive website traffic 
  • Make it easier to respond to questions
  • Schedule content in advance 
  • Measure how effective your strategy is 

How can Nonprofits Leverage the Power of Social Media?

Implementing the right social media strategies plays a key role in how well your nonprofit organization can optimize the power of online communities. Peak Design, raised $34.4 million through 10 Kickstarter campaigns to become the world’s most successfully crowdfunded company. It’s no surprise that they attribute their success to the power of their community. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to designing a successful social media program. 

Step 1: Define your Objectives

The first step to building an effective social media strategy for your nonprofit is to get clear on the goals.

Your goals could include building greater brand awareness, educating people about your mission, fundraising, engaging your existing supporters, and reaching out to newer audiences. Set goals that are specific, measurable, relevant, and achievable. 

Step 2: Determine your Target Audience

Billions of people worldwide use social media, and most people have a presence on multiple social media platforms.

Different social media platforms attract different types of users. While Facebook has mostly adults, TikTok is more popular with children and teenagers.

LinkedIn is often used by older professionals. Before deciding which social media platforms are the best for you, your nonprofit needs to determine it’s target audience. 

Step 3: Develop a Content Strategy

Now that you have set your goals and determined your target audience, it’s time to create a content strategy. Choose one or two social media platforms to focus on in the beginning, depending on the demographics of your target audience.

If you are targeting professionals, then Facebook and LinkedIn are good options. If your target audience is teenagers and young adults, then you will find more success on Instagram and TikTok

Step 4: Plan and Share Your Content

As a nonprofit, you can attract more followers and donors by sharing human interest stories about your team and the people you help.

Share content in easy-to-share formats to help spread your message far and wide. Visual content is considered more appealing and engaging, so focus on that. Share links to videos, graphicswebinars, and other content your audience will engage with.

Always include Clear Calls-to-action (CTAs) to let the followers know how they can support your nonprofit. You can also partner with other nonprofits in similar fields to create more impact. 

Step 5: Track your Results

Many social media platforms have a “business: nonprofit” account option available. If you use this option, you will be able to access the analytics and learn more about how your posts are performing.

It is recommended that you constantly monitor how well different kinds of posts perform so that you can figure out what works best for your organization. 

Wrapping Up

Nonprofits can effectively use social media to find volunteers and raise funds by implementing the right strategies.

You are doing great social work and impacting thousands of lives. You need a high-quality social media program to achieve your goals in a fiercely competitive market.

It is important to choose the right social media platforms and get your priorities right before developing suitable strategies for your nonprofit organization. 


How can nonprofits benefit from using social media and online communities?
Nonprofits can leverage social media and online communities to increase visibility, engage supporters, promote campaigns, and build a community around their cause.

What are effective strategies for nonprofits to grow their presence on social media?
Effective strategies include sharing impactful stories, engaging with followers, using relevant hashtags, collaborating with influencers, and regularly posting diverse content.

How can nonprofits use online communities to enhance donor engagement?
Foster discussions, share updates and success stories, involve donors in decision-making processes, and create exclusive content for online community members.

What role do visuals play in a nonprofit’s social media strategy?
Compelling visuals such as images, infographics, and videos can capture attention, evoke emotions, and effectively convey the nonprofit’s message and impact.

How important is it for nonprofits to maintain consistency across social media platforms?
Consistency in branding, messaging, and frequency of posts across platforms is crucial for brand recognition and creating a cohesive online presence.

What are some best practices for content creation for nonprofits on social media?
Best practices include focusing on storytelling, maintaining authenticity, prioritizing quality over quantity, and aligning content with the mission and values of the nonprofit.

How can nonprofits measure the success of their social media and online community efforts?
Measure success through engagement rates, growth in followers, website traffic from social media, and the level of participation in online community activities.

What are the challenges nonprofits face in managing social media and online communities?
Challenges include limited resources for content creation, difficulty in engaging users consistently, and managing negative comments or feedback.

How can social media and online communities support a nonprofit’s fundraising efforts?
Use these platforms to share compelling campaign stories, create fundraising events, and provide easy ways for followers to donate and share the cause with others.

What is the impact of social media advocacy for nonprofits?
Social media advocacy can significantly amplify a nonprofit’s cause, mobilize supporters, influence public opinion, and potentially sway policy decisions related to the nonprofit’s mission.

How can nonprofits use social media to increase volunteer recruitment?
Share stories and opportunities about volunteering, highlight the impact of volunteers, and create shareable content that encourages followers to get involved.

What are effective ways to engage younger audiences for nonprofits on social media?
Utilize platforms popular among younger demographics, like Instagram and TikTok, and create content that is engaging, visually appealing, and shareable.

How can nonprofits use social media for networking and collaboration?
Connect with other organizations, industry influencers, and potential partners on social media to build relationships and explore collaborative opportunities.

What role does user-generated content play in a nonprofit’s social media strategy?
User-generated content can enhance authenticity, build community, and provide fresh and relatable content that resonates with your audience.

Can live streaming on social media be effective for nonprofits?
Yes, live streaming events, Q&A sessions, and behind-the-scenes looks can increase engagement and provide a real-time interactive experience for followers.

How should nonprofits handle negative comments or feedback on social media?
Respond to negative comments professionally and promptly, offer to resolve issues offline if necessary, and maintain a positive and respectful online community.

What are the best practices for using hashtags in nonprofit social media campaigns?
Use relevant, campaign-specific, and not overly generic hashtags, and limit the number of hashtags used per post to avoid clutter.

How can analytics and insights from social media platforms aid nonprofits?
Analytics provide valuable data on follower demographics, content engagement, and best posting times, helping to refine and target social media strategies.

What strategies can nonprofits use to maintain an active and engaging online community?
Regularly post diverse content, prompt discussions, recognize and interact with active community members, and provide exclusive content or perks.

How can a nonprofit ensure its social media content aligns with its overall mission and values?
Consistently reflect the nonprofit’s mission and values in all content, avoid off-brand topics, and ensure messaging is mission-centric and impactful.

How can a nonprofit’s storytelling on social media drive engagement and support?
Storytelling can humanize the cause, create emotional connections, and motivate followers to support by showing the real-life impact of the nonprofit’s work.

What is the significance of regular and consistent posting on social media for nonprofits?
Regular posting keeps the nonprofit top-of-mind among followers, helps maintain engagement, and ensures a steady stream of information about the cause and activities.

How can nonprofits leverage social media for event promotion and engagement?
Use social media to create event pages, share updates, post live during events, and encourage attendees to share their experiences and photos.

What are the advantages of using targeted advertising on social media for nonprofits?
Targeted advertising can help reach specific audiences more likely to support the cause, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of fundraising and awareness campaigns.

How can engaging visuals and graphics be effectively utilized by nonprofits on social media?
Use high-quality, compelling visuals and infographics to convey messages quickly, draw attention, and increase the shareability of posts.

What role do online community managers play in a nonprofit’s social media strategy?
Community managers engage with followers, moderate discussions, provide responses to inquiries, and maintain a positive and supportive online environment.

How important is it for nonprofits to adapt their social media strategy to different platforms?
Adapting strategies to different platforms is crucial to address the unique audience and content preferences of each, maximizing engagement and effectiveness.

Can social media help in building partnerships and sponsorships for nonprofits?
Yes, a strong social media presence can attract potential partners and sponsors by demonstrating the nonprofit’s reach, engagement, and impact.

How can a nonprofit use social media to gather feedback and ideas from its community?
Utilize polls, surveys, and open-ended questions to gather feedback, encouraging community involvement in decision-making and program development.

What is the impact of transparency and authenticity in a nonprofit’s social media communication?
Transparency and authenticity build trust and credibility, fostering stronger relationships with followers, donors, and the broader community.

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