How To Set Up UTM Tracking For Digital Campaigns

Once you have cracked the code to use UTM tracking, you will realize it is simple and incredibly efficient for raising website and marketing performance. See our tips below.

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When you are handling digital marketing for your organisation, you will carry out several campaigns simultaneously. And together, these initiatives will generate a significant volume of traffic for their targeted landing pages or websites. But it would help if you tracked each campaign to analyse which were effective and which were not. UTM helps you do that with much ease and simplicity.

Google first created UTM tracking in order to characterise the routes people take to visit websites more clearly. UTM codes enable you to track the source of traffic, enabling you to accurately assess the ROI of any campaign, platform, or media.

In this article, we aim to study UTM further and explain to you how you can use UTM tracking for digital campaigns to your benefit.


What is UTM in tracking

What is UTM?

UTM or Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) is a snippet code that attaches to the URL of the landing page. You may monitor the URLs typically clicked on by using the text strings in the code. This will enable you to access information from Google Analytics about the most successful ads. UTM intends to track site visitors’ user behaviour, but with custom tracking, it can become a much more comprehensive tool.

Urchin Software Corporation employees created UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) to track distinct website users. The business was later purchased by Google in 2005.

Here is what a UTM code looks like: 

Every UTM code is specific to the advertising campaign that brought the user to your website. Businesses can utilise this information to determine which initiatives are successful and which still require improvement.

The UTM code itself consists of two parts:

UTM parameter. They start with the prefix ‘utm’ and are of 5 standard types: utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_content, and utm_term. 

Tracking Variable. This indicates the dimension of tracking, for example, the name of the traffic source. It starts with a “=” symbol and only consists of integers, hyphens, characters, the plus sign (+), and periods(.).

Why is UTM tracking important

Why is UTM tracking important?

Think of the benefits and flexibility a UTM code gives you. You can use one special code for each campaign you run and determine how well or poorly all your marketing initiatives are performing with that level of tracking.

These UTM tracking codes can provide the information and data you require whether you are trying to defend the budget for a project or need to persuade someone that your marketing efforts are worthwhile.

You may also uncover areas of possibility for a website by tracking data in depth. Low performance could be a clear sign that marketing content, social media posts, or paid ad copy needs to be revised.

Google Analytics will automatically update the source of traffic when it detects a UTM tag associated with a site visit so that it matches the campaign the UTM is related to. Categorising this data further can help in effective reporting.

What are UTM Parameters?

To create a UTM tracking, you must be aware of its elements or parameters. They might look complicated, but they make the classification of data simpler. If you want to know more about these parameters, here is a quick guide with all the information you need to know to make sure your tracking campaign works.

Campaign Source

In simple words, this parameter tells you the source of your traffic. It will let you know where your visitors are coming from by being added to your links. You could then decide which kind of source would be most effective for your campaign. Using the details you receive, you can choose the most powerful type of source for your campaign, whether it be a LinkedIn page or Google, and improve in other areas.

Campaign Name

Although technically a placeholder field, the campaign name is crucial for your campaign to track since it enables you to determine which campaign you are following for the specific UTM. It would be ideal to name it after the particular campaign or item you wish to advertise. It would be helpful to make this as optimized as possible because Google will eventually utilize it for keyword analysis. By doing this, you will be well on your way to generating a clear and concise UTM.

Campaign Medium

The campaign medium parameter is about how visitors arrive at your website. If your marketing strategy is more organic than those of paid advertisements, you will know the kind of campaign your company should launch. This includes cost-per-click and email as possible media. It would be best to tag your medium with the most general term possible if you were tracking social traffic. This parameter also includes emails, blogs, and guest posts.

Campaign Term

We mostly use this parameter during paid searches. Therefore, this field in the campaign builder is not mandatory. However, it is crucial for those working in industries like Search Engine Optimization or SEO in marketing. You can add the keyword you want to the UTM using the campaign term option. Check to see if the keyword you are targeting will result in a higher return on investment for your website or not be as useful.

Campaign Content

An A/B test can be the first thing you do when your campaign produces too much or insufficient traffic. The campaign content field is what comes in handy in such a situation. You can use this parameter tag to target a certain demographic, a different website version, or your advertisements. It is not a mandatory field, just like campaign terms, so be sure if you want to fill this out.

How To Set Up UTM Tracking?

How To Set Up UTM Tracking

Using Google’s Builder is an easier and quicker way of creating UTM codes. Here is how you can do it.

Step 1 

If you still need to customize a report in Google Analytics for the specific campaign you want to work on, then begin with this first. You can locate the report section in the Analytics sidebar under the Customization tab. Select Custom Reports by clicking the menu. You may then view the Custom Report Dashboard from there. Then select ‘Create a New Form.’

Give a name to your campaign in the custom report, as well as the metrics you want to look at and the Dimension Drilldowns that will help you track the campaign performance from the user’s perspective. Although creating a custom report is optional, and you can choose not to do so, creating one will help your ability to track your campaign objectives in an organized manner.

Step 2

Now is the time to open Google’s URL Builder. Once on the page, you can input campaign parameter details. You may establish three distinct kinds of monitoring tags in Google, and two of them allow you to monitor traffic to fresh apps on app stores. The third choice on this list, the Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder, is what you’ll use. 

Step 3

Once you’ve made your own unique UTM, you can use it in your content’s call-to-action or advertisement sections. It will produce data for you automatically, which you can analyze to test your campaign’s effectiveness. After completing this, all that is left to do is wait for the data to be used by the visitors you attracted, depending on the UTM metrics you introduced.

Step 4

Analyze your Google Analytics to determine your success. To access all campaigns, go to Acquisition > Campaigns. You could determine the success of your campaigns based on the metrics you selected. By counting the number of users who engaged with the campaign, you may gauge the effectiveness of UTM tracking. You can enable conversions for more indicators, and it would be beneficial to track various goals.

Examine the sources that assisted in bringing traffic to your campaign for a thorough evaluation of the UTM campaign’s success. By doing this, you can focus your efforts on a channel that sends you a lot of or little traffic, depending on your priorities.

A more thorough understanding of traffic sources would enable you to demonstrate the robustness of your digital marketing strategy. As you begin tracking your campaign with UTM, keep this in mind.

Best Practices For UTM Tracking

When building UTM codes and setting up tracking for your digital campaign, there are a few things you should bear in mind that form the best practices in achieving success for the campaign.  

1. Create a UTM naming convention from the beginning

Create naming conventions that your entire team will adhere to. It is best to avoid disorganization where half of your team will use “” and the other half will use “Facebook” under “utm_source.”

Therefore, decide on naming conventions for common parameters before a campaign begins. Make sure to include the names of various platforms (such as “social” versus “social media,” “search” versus “paid search,” etc.) and traffic sources.

Even small differences in conventions like capitalizations or spaces will split the same campaigns into two, totally messing up your analytics. Establish strict rules right away. Think, will the name of your campaign contain underscores or dashes? Will all links use lowercase letters? However, making all of your UTM links lowercase is a good idea.

2. UTM Tracking Names Should Be Simple And Short

There are numerous ways to set up URL tracking names, but it’s best to keep things straightforward and uniform. The more complex it gets, the harder it will be for you too. It helps to already let your team know that you will use short names for important URLs. This will simplify tracking and be especially helpful if the people in charge of the projects shift. 

Long URLs will also shorten when you share them on different platforms. It is best to keep the URLs brief. Utilizing a service like or to compress them is one way out. Alternatively, you can use branded links.

3. Make All Your Parameters Unique And Distinguishable

The ‘source’ and ‘medium’ UTM parameters shouldn’t be the same. They are different and should be mentioned as so too. If you keep the two parameters the same, it will make traffic tracking more difficult.

The ideal method for tracking multiple campaigns from the same source is to create distinctive UTM parameters. You can also save the UTM codes for each campaign in a spreadsheet, which you can then use to distinguish between them in Google Analytics.


Once you have cracked the code to use UTM tracking, you will realize it is simple and incredibly efficient for raising website and marketing performance.

Follow the procedures and best practices discussed above and watch how effective the UTM tracking will prove for your campaign. You’ll be able to consistently raise your metrics as well as the ROI of your digital marketing strategy.

These efforts will enable you to discover a whole new world of analytics capabilities that can help you make better business decisions.


What Is UTM Tracking?

UTM tracking, short for Urchin Tracking Module, is a method of adding unique parameters to URLs to track and analyze the performance of online marketing campaigns.

Why Is UTM Tracking Important for Digital Marketing?

UTM tracking allows marketers to monitor the effectiveness of different marketing channels, campaigns, and sources, providing valuable insights for optimization.

What Are the Key UTM Parameters?

The key UTM parameters include utm_source (source of the traffic), utm_medium (medium or type of traffic), utm_campaign (the specific campaign), utm_term (keywords used), and utm_content (content variation).

How Do I Create UTM Parameters for My URLs?

You can create UTM parameters using Google’s Campaign URL Builder or other online UTM generator tools, specifying values for each parameter based on your campaign details.

Can UTM Tracking Be Used for Both Online and Offline Marketing Campaigns?

Yes, while UTM tracking is commonly associated with online marketing, it can also be adapted for offline campaigns, such as print ads or direct mail, to track their effectiveness.

What Analytics Tools Can I Use to Analyze UTM-Tracked Data?

Popular analytics tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and various marketing automation platforms allow you to analyze UTM-tracked data and derive insights.

What Metrics Can I Measure with UTM Tracking?

You can measure metrics such as traffic source, medium, campaign performance, click-through rates, conversion rates, and the ROI of specific marketing initiatives.

Are There Best Practices for UTM Tracking?

Best practices include using consistent naming conventions, avoiding special characters, and maintaining a detailed spreadsheet to track UTM parameters for various campaigns.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid with UTM Tracking?

Common mistakes include using vague or inconsistent naming, neglecting to tag all marketing links, and failing to monitor and analyze the collected data.

How Can UTM Tracking Help Optimize Marketing Strategies?

UTM tracking provides data-driven insights into what works and what doesn’t in your marketing efforts, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize campaigns for better results.

Can UTM Parameters Be Modified After a Campaign Has Started?

Yes, you can modify UTM parameters, but it’s essential to do so carefully to avoid data discrepancies. Changes may impact historical tracking data.

What Is the Difference Between UTM Tracking and Referral Tracking?

UTM tracking is a subset of referral tracking. UTM parameters provide specific details about the source and medium of traffic, while referral tracking generally captures the source domain.

Is UTM Tracking Compatible with Social Media Platforms?

Yes, UTM tracking is compatible with social media platforms. Marketers can use UTM parameters in links shared on social media to track campaign performance.

What Are the Limitations of UTM Tracking?

UTM tracking relies on users clicking tagged links, and some users may not click or may strip UTM parameters. Additionally, it doesn’t capture data for non-web channels.

Can UTM Tracking Be Used for Email Marketing Campaigns?

Yes, UTM tracking is commonly used for email marketing. Marketers can tag links in email campaigns to track click-through rates and conversions.

How Can I Prevent UTM Parameters from Appearing in the URL Bar for Users?

You can use URL shorteners or link management tools to create shortened, more user-friendly URLs that still contain UTM parameters for tracking.

Are There Privacy Concerns Associated with UTM Tracking?

UTM tracking typically doesn’t collect personally identifiable information (PII). However, it’s essential to disclose tracking in your privacy policy and adhere to privacy regulations.

What Are Some Alternatives to UTM Tracking for Attribution Analysis?

Alternatives include using marketing automation platforms with built-in attribution modeling or relying on multi-touch attribution models in analytics tools.

Can UTM Parameters Help Determine the ROI of a Marketing Campaign?

Yes, by tracking the performance of specific campaigns and their associated costs, UTM parameters can contribute to calculating the ROI of marketing efforts.

How Should I Organize and Store UTM-Tracked Data for Analysis?

Create a structured system for storing UTM data, such as spreadsheets or databases, and maintain a record of UTM parameters, campaign details, and performance metrics for easy analysis and reporting.

Can UTM Tracking Help Identify the Most Effective Marketing Channels?

Yes, UTM tracking allows you to compare the performance of different marketing channels and determine which ones drive the most traffic and conversions.

What Is the Role of UTM Tags in Tracking User Behavior on Websites?

UTM tags help track user behavior by providing insights into how users arrived at your website, what actions they took, and which marketing efforts influenced their behavior.

How Can UTM Tracking Benefit E-commerce Businesses?

UTM tracking is valuable for e-commerce businesses as it helps track the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns, product promotions, and referral sources, aiding in revenue optimization.

Are UTM Parameters Case-Sensitive?

UTM parameters are not case-sensitive by default in Google Analytics. However, it’s best practice to maintain consistency in parameter casing for easier tracking and analysis.

Can UTM Tracking Be Applied to Tracking Offline Campaigns, Such as Events or Print Materials?

Yes, UTM tracking can be adapted for offline campaigns. Marketers can create custom URLs with UTM parameters for print materials, event promotions, or QR codes.

What Should I Do If UTM Parameters in My URLs Are Being Altered or Removed by Third-party Platforms?

To prevent third-party platforms from altering UTM parameters, consider using URL shorteners, and ensure that the platforms you share links on are UTM-parameter-friendly.

How Can UTM Tracking Help Identify High-Value Keywords for SEO and PPC Campaigns?

UTM tracking can help identify which keywords or search queries lead to conversions, enabling you to optimize your SEO and PPC efforts for higher ROI.

Is UTM Tracking Limited to Google Analytics, or Can It Be Used with Other Analytics Tools?

UTM tracking is not limited to Google Analytics; it can be used with various analytics tools and platforms that support custom URL parameters.

What Is the Difference Between UTM Tracking and Google Analytics’ Auto-Tagging Feature?

UTM tracking requires manually adding parameters to URLs, whereas Google Analytics’ auto-tagging feature automatically tags URLs for Google Ads campaigns, simplifying the process for advertisers.

Can UTM Parameters Be Used for Tracking Affiliate Marketing Campaigns?

Yes, UTM parameters are commonly used for tracking affiliate marketing campaigns, allowing businesses to measure the performance and ROI of their affiliate partnerships.

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