Top Email Marketing Tools for 2024

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1.'s Email Subject Line Generator

Don't be satisfied with the first email subject line you come up with. Let AI help you come up with variations and select the best one.

2. MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the most know Email Marketing tools out there. If you have not tried it out yet, check it out!


MailTracker is a simple and free email tracker for Gmail that lets you find out who opens your emails.

4.'s Email Copy Generator

Let AI help you come up with effective email copy. Then, add your unique human touch and perfect your email!

5. Litmus

Litmus is a highly versatile tool through which you can use to test and track email.

Learn more about these and other great  email marketing Tools

Why Use Email Marketing tools?

Work faster and smarter

Get data that was previously not avaliable

Test before you send