Email Marketing Tools every Nonprofit Needs in 2024

What do you do with the 99% of your website visitors that leave your website? With Email Marketing, you can capture valuable traffic. Check out these Email Marketing tools every Nonprofit needs

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After covering content curation tools and fundraising ideas, I thought it was time to provide some tools and tips covering the basics of email marketing for nonprofits, ensuring that your content is shared with a dedicated audience of enthusiastic supporters.

Yes, a blog is vital to sharing stories about your organization and the passionate ambassadors you have on your team -but an e-newsletter goes one step further to keep your core audience of supporters and key donors up-to-date.

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Email marketing is one of the most affordable marketing tactics out there and it’s a great vehicle for personalized content marketing pieces that can establish your organization as a leader in the industry. Through the content you curate, you’ll be connecting with a pool of potential brand advocates who are already fans of your cause and who show their support by spreading the word about fundraising campaigns and donations.

Below, you’ll find a toolkit of the types of e-mail content every non-profit needs to have in its arsenal and analyses of some of the affordable email marketing tools on the market.

Invitations to Events

Events offer opportunities for non-profits to personally interact with potential donors and the larger community. From charity auctions to carnivals and summer camps, every non-profit is sure to have its own annual calendar of signature events, designed to raise brand awareness and donations.

Big bold images related to the event help to capture the audience’s attention and engage them with the subject line. Make sure to give subscribers all the Ws (when, where, and why) details about the event in a way that makes it easy to read. Above all, make sure your call to action is bold and it stands out so that subscribers know exactly what you want them to do.

Keep Audiences Informed with Newsletters

Keep Audiences Informed with Newsletters

Keep volunteers to donors informed on a regular basis by sending them a newsletter. Sending them a newsletter that features news items such as a call for volunteers, photos from your last fundraising initiative, or spotlighting a new employee is a great way to keep them in the loop. Make sure that the design and format of the newsletter is visually appealing with great images and that it contains easy-to-to read blurbs and links back to your website & blog for further information.

Notify Them of Donation Email Campaigns

Notify subscribers of Donation Campaigns

Email is responsible for nearly 1/3 of non-profits’ online fundraising revenue so knowing how to create an effective donation campaign email is vital. Be sure to generate an email template that has a clear call to action.

In addition to having a clear call to action, make sure to have a short explanation that lets prospective donors know that even small donations can help and include a bright, eye-catching image of their contributions in action. It could be an image of volunteers helping at an event, children on your program participating in a day camp etc.

Personalized Thank You Emails

Personalized Thank Yous in email marketing

Don’t just wait until the end of the year or towards Christmas to thank your supporters. With donation campaigns and fundraising events going year round, it’s important to show your appreciation on a regular basis. Personalize each ‘thank you’ email with their name and make sure to let your donors know that you’ll be sending them campaign updates and news on other events in the future.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Not only should you make sure to include a clear call to action button that’s linked your donation page or blog, but your email needs to be properly formatted for mobile and on desktop.

Also, make sure to create an attention-grabbing subject line to catch the attention of your email list so that they’ll open the email. Personalize the email to let prospective donors know that you care about their contributions and be clear & get to the point on what you want your audience to do-especially when it comes to soliciting donations.

E-mail Marketing Tools Every Nonprofit Needs

Make use of’s Email Copy Generator and create better email copy.

Simply enter what you want to write about and the AI Copy Generator will give you suggestions / ideas. No more starting off with a blank page. is your brainstorm buddy to create awesome copy faster.

You can start with a free trial and get 25 free runs. per run you get about 5 copy ideas. Those 125 email copy examples can get you a log way. if it’s not enough, you can opt-in for the paid version and get 250 runs for just $7 a month.

Check out what the Email Copy Generator can do for you.

Email Copy Generator by StoryLabAI


This email marketing tool offers non-profits a 15% discount as well as a 10% security discount when two-factor security authentication is added.   

When you first sign up for MailChimp, the system automatically starts you off on their Forever Free program, which allows you to send up to 12,000 emails/month to 2,000 subscribers. Once you move up to the Monthly plan (which your discounts can apply to) you can have up to 50,000 subscribers and an unlimited number of sends for campaigns.

With their easy-to-use drag & drop campaign builder, you’ll be able to add images, text, video and all of your brand elements and use one of the 1000s of templates MailChimp has in their system. If you need help, MailChimp has an extensive library of FAQs and learning resources on everything from templates to building lists as well as 24/7 email & chat support.


Omnisend email marketing tool

Omnisend’s free plan covers 500 monthly email sends to up to 250 contacts and gives you access to the platform’s advanced features, including pre-built automation workflows, unlimited segmentation, and robust analytics features.

Omnisend’s Standard plan starts at just $16/month and expands your reach to 6,000 monthly emails and up to 500 subscribers, while the Pro plan lets you reach up to 500 contacts and send unlimited emails. The paid plans also let you use free SMS credits that you can use to send text messages to your contacts globally.

Omnisend’s main selling points are its great email & SMS automation features. These include easy-to-use email & form builders with large libraries of pre-built templates. These are both drag-and-drop, featuring simple interfaces to help generate signups and land more conversions.

Finally, Omnisend’s 24/7 support is where the tool really shines. Their award-winning support team has an average response time of under 5 minutes, which means you can get your questions answered very quickly.

Email Octopus

EmailOctopus for Nonprofits
EmailOctopus is a straightforward, easy-to-use email marketing platform that offers non-profits a 20% lifetime discount. The generous free plan covers your first 2,500 subscribers with prices starting from just $24/month for larger lists.
Both plans come with a library of customisable templates and a drag-and-drop editor for creating engaging emails. You’ll also be able to build landing pages and pop-up forms for growing your number of subscribers. The time-based automation feature enables you to set up automated welcome messages to greet new subscribers, and longer email sequences for nurturing them into becoming donors.
You can also segment your mailing list using custom fields and campaign activity. This means you can identify your most active subscribers or most engaged donors and send them more targeted messages. Non-profits can also take advantage of the unlimited account users with a choice of Admin, Manager, Analyst and Accountant access levels.


This e-mail marketing platform offers non-profits the first 3 months for free and then a 25% discount on invoices afterwards. The $19/month plan allows you to create a database of up to 500 subscribers, send unlimited emails with built-in analytics for your campaigns and gives you access to 700+ templates, 6,000+ stock photos. The $29/month plan lets you have up to 2,500 subscribers.

No matter the plan you choose, you’ll be able to automatically create emails from your newest blog posts using RSS to email, generate mobile sign up forms, get access to 24/7 customer service and apply tags to trigger automated email campaigns based on clicks and opens.


Benchmark offers a 25% discount to non-profits similar to AWeber but this platform also offers more varied plans. The free plan allows you to send up to 14,000 emails/month to 2,000 subscribers and gives you access to Google analytics tracking for your campaigns, RSS email and basic drip campaigns, email delivery management and their database of responsive templates.

The paid plans, the most popular of which is the 1,000 subscribers with unlimited email sends per month at $21.99 USD/month, also automates your email follow-ups based on actions such as opens and clicks. It even has the power to track subscribers from your email campaigns to your website and automate follow up emails based on the pages they visit. You’ll also be able to split test subject lines and protect your subscriber lists by enabling password protection.

Get Response

email marketing tool GetResponse

Out of all the email marketing platforms profiled here, Get Response offers the largest discount to non-profits with 50% off the plan they choose. The email marketing beginners’ package is $15/month to send emails up to 1000 subscribers.

You’ll be able to use one of the 500+ designed templates or create your own using the drag & drop or HTML code editors. You’ll also be able to use the stock image library to complete the professional look you want and edit your email campaigns in mobile preview so you’ll know that your campaigns will always be optimized.

You can use autoresponders to automatically send out welcome messages at the start of a campaign and follow-ups, easily managed in a drag-and-drop organizer. Get Response also features what’s known as Perfect Timing, where messages you send only hit a subscriber’s inbox at a time where they’re the most more likely to engage with your message. Use the Time Travel feature to make sure all your contacts in different time zones get their messages at the same time and you’ll be able to optimize your campaigns through the intuitive analytics dashboard.

MailTracker is a simple and free email tracker for Gmail that lets you find out who opens your emails. Once you’ve added the extension, your emails are tracked via Gmail. Then once someone opens your email, you can check out the details in your Gmail.

Email marketing is a critical component of any successful digital marketing strategy, and email marketing tools are essential for making this process more efficient and effective. Let’s explore what email marketing tools are, how they can help you achieve your marketing goals, and the different types of email marketing tools available.

What are email marketing tools?

What are Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing tools are software platforms or applications that help businesses create, manage, and optimize their email marketing campaigns. These tools streamline the process of creating and sending emails, automate certain tasks, and provide analytics to track and analyze the success of your campaigns.

Why do you need email marketing tools?

Email marketing tools offer several benefits that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals. These benefits include:

Increased efficiency: Email marketing tools streamline the process of creating and sending emails, saving businesses time and effort.

Improved targeting: Email marketing tools allow businesses to segment their audience and send targeted messages based on interests, behavior, and other factors.

Enhanced personalization: Email marketing tools enable businesses to personalize their emails based on recipient data such as name, location, and purchase history.

Automated campaigns: Email marketing tools offer automation features that allow businesses to schedule and send emails based on triggers such as sign-ups or abandoned carts.

Analytics and reporting: Email marketing tools provide insights into email open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics to help businesses track the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Types of email marketing tools

Email marketing automation tools: These tools automate email campaigns based on triggers and conditions, such as a subscriber’s behavior or location.

Email marketing platforms: These are comprehensive tools that allow businesses to create and manage email campaigns, as well as track and analyze results.

Email list management tools: These tools allow businesses to manage and segment their email lists, ensuring that the right messages are sent to the right subscribers.

Email design tools: These tools help businesses create visually appealing emails that are optimized for mobile and desktop devices.

Email testing tools: These tools allow businesses to test their emails before sending them to ensure they render correctly and avoid spam filters.

Email marketing tools are essential for any business looking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns. With the right tools, businesses can segment their audience, personalize their messages, automate campaigns, and track their results. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, email marketing tools can help you reach your marketing goals and drive success.

Using Email Marketing Tools Best Practices

Using Email Marketing Tools Best Practices

Email marketing is a powerful tool for Nonprofits to connect with their audience. However, to make the most of your email marketing campaigns, it’s important to use email marketing tools effectively. Let’s explore best practices for using email marketing tools to achieve your marketing goals.

Choose the right email marketing tool
The first step in using email marketing tools effectively is to choose the right tool for your business. Look for a tool that offers the features you need, such as automation, segmentation, personalization, and analytics. Consider factors such as ease of use, pricing, customer support, and email survey software integration when selecting an email marketing tool.

Build a high-quality email list
Your email list is the foundation of your email marketing campaigns, so it’s important to build a high-quality list of engaged subscribers. Use opt-in forms on your website and social media channels to capture email addresses, and segment your list based on interests and behaviors.

Personalize your emails
Personalization is key to engaging your audience and driving conversions. Use your email marketing tool to personalize your emails based on recipient data, such as name, location, and purchase history. Include dynamic content that changes based on the recipient’s behavior or interests.

Use automation
Automation is a powerful feature of email marketing tools that allows you to send targeted, relevant messages to your subscribers. Set up automated campaigns based on triggers such as sign-ups, abandoned carts, or birthdays. Use automation to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

Test and optimize your campaigns
Testing and optimization are critical to the success of your email marketing campaigns. Use your email marketing tool to test different subject lines, content, and calls to action to determine what resonates with your audience. Use analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics, and use that data to optimize your campaigns.

Follow best practices for email design
Design plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of your emails. Use email design best practices such as using clear and concise messaging, using a mobile-responsive design, and including a clear call to action. Use your email marketing tool to create visually appealing emails that are optimized for all devices.


Email marketing tools offer a range of features that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals. By choosing the right tool, building a high-quality email list, personalizing your emails, using automation, testing and optimizing your campaigns, and following email design best practices, you can make the most of your email marketing campaigns and drive success. With the right approach, email marketing tools can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

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Q: What are email marketing tools for nonprofits?
These are specialized software platforms designed to help nonprofit organizations manage email campaigns, engage with donors, and communicate effectively with their audience.

Q: How do these tools benefit nonprofit organizations?
Email marketing tools help nonprofits create targeted campaigns, track engagement, automate communications, and manage donor relationships, all while being cost-effective.

Q: Are there free or discounted email marketing tools available for nonprofits?
Many email marketing tool providers offer special discounts or free versions for nonprofits, acknowledging their unique budget constraints and mission-driven focus.

Q: What features should nonprofits look for in an email marketing tool?
Nonprofits should look for features like easy-to-use templates, automation capabilities, robust analytics, donor segmentation, and integration with other nonprofit management tools.

Q: Can these tools help with fundraising efforts?
Yes, email marketing tools can be pivotal in fundraising by allowing nonprofits to create personalized appeals, track donor responses, and nurture relationships.

Q: How important is mobile optimization in email marketing for nonprofits?
Mobile optimization is crucial as a significant portion of emails are read on mobile devices. Ensuring emails look good and are functional on small screens is key to engagement.

Q: Can nonprofits use these tools to manage event registrations and communications?
Many email marketing tools offer features to manage event invitations, registrations, and follow-up communications, streamlining the event management process.

Q: How do these tools handle donor data security and privacy?
Reputable email marketing tools for nonprofits adhere to strict data security standards to protect donor information and comply with privacy laws like GDPR.

Q: Are there analytics features in these tools to track the success of email campaigns?
Most tools provide comprehensive analytics features to track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall engagement of email campaigns.

Q: How user-friendly are email marketing tools for nonprofit staff with limited technical skills?
Most email marketing tools are designed to be user-friendly with intuitive interfaces, drag-and-drop editors, and accessible training resources, making them suitable for users with varying skill levels.

Q: Can these tools integrate with other nonprofit management software?
Yes, many email marketing tools offer integration capabilities with various nonprofit management software, enhancing efficiency and data synchronization.

Q: How do these tools assist in donor segmentation and personalized communication?
They allow nonprofits to segment donors based on behavior, donation history, and preferences, enabling personalized and targeted communication strategies.

Q: Are there email marketing tools that cater specifically to small nonprofit organizations?
Several tools are designed with the needs of small nonprofits in mind, offering affordable pricing and essential features without overwhelming complexity.

Q: Can nonprofits create automated email sequences with these tools?
Email marketing tools often include automation features, allowing nonprofits to create sequences for donor onboarding, event reminders, and follow-up communications.

Q: How do these tools facilitate A/B testing of email campaigns?
Most tools provide A/B testing features to experiment with different email elements, helping nonprofits optimize their campaigns for better engagement.

Q: Do these email marketing tools offer templates for newsletters and other common nonprofit communications?
Yes, they typically provide a range of customizable templates for newsletters, fundraising appeals, and other types of nonprofit communications.

Q: How do these tools ensure compliance with email marketing laws and regulations?
Reputable tools are designed to comply with email marketing laws like CAN-SPAM and GDPR, offering features like easy unsubscribe options and data protection.

Q: Can nonprofit organizations track donor engagement over time with these tools?
Email marketing tools often include CRM functionalities, enabling nonprofits to track and analyze donor engagement and interactions over time.

Q: Are there options for social media integration with these email marketing tools?
Many tools offer social media integration, allowing nonprofits to extend their reach by sharing campaigns and content across social platforms.

Q: What kind of support and training do these tools provide for nonprofit users?
Most email marketing tools offer comprehensive support and training resources, including online tutorials, webinars, and customer support services, tailored to assist nonprofit users.

Q: How do email marketing tools assist with donor retention strategies?
These tools help in crafting personalized follow-up emails, thank-you messages, and regular updates that keep donors engaged and informed, aiding in retention.

Q: Can these tools help in creating impactful year-end giving campaigns?
Yes, with targeted email campaigns and personalized messaging features, these tools can significantly enhance the effectiveness of year-end giving campaigns.

Q: How do nonprofits benefit from dynamic content features in email marketing?
Dynamic content allows for emails to be tailored to each recipient, making them more relevant and engaging based on the donor’s interests and past interactions.

Q: Are there features in these tools to manage subscription preferences?
Most tools include features for managing subscription preferences, allowing donors to choose the type and frequency of emails they receive, which helps in maintaining their interest.

Q: Can nonprofits use these tools to track and increase volunteer involvement?
Yes, email marketing tools can segment and target volunteers, providing them with specific opportunities and updates, thereby increasing engagement and involvement.

Q: How effective are these tools in managing large-scale email lists?
These tools are designed to efficiently manage large email lists, ensuring smooth delivery, segmentation, and tracking of large-scale communications.

Q: Do email marketing tools provide insights into the best time to send emails?
Many tools include analytics that suggest the best times to send emails based on past engagement data, maximizing the chances of emails being read.

Q: How can nonprofits leverage automated birthday or anniversary emails?
Automated birthday or anniversary emails add a personal touch to donor communications, making donors feel valued and strengthening their connection to the cause.

Q: Are there options for integrating email campaigns with fundraising platforms?
Many email marketing tools offer integrations with popular fundraising platforms, streamlining the process from communication to donation.

Q: How do these tools support the creation of visually appealing emails?
With a range of customizable templates and visual editing tools, these platforms make it easy to create visually appealing emails that align with the nonprofit’s branding and message.

Author Bio:

Lilian Sue is a marketing communications professional with over 10 years of experience developing integrated multi-channel marketing campaigns (copywriting, social media & PR/media relations) for lifestyle brands, indie film & television projects, B2B companies, tourism/hospitality & food/beverage brands. Learn more about her work at In Retrospect Writing Services.

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