Organic Gardening for Beginners and Pros [How to Start]

Having an Organic Garden has various great benefits. Here’s what you need to be effective.

start organic gardening

Are you looking to start with Organic Gardening? That’s great! Anyone can start even with 0 budget. You can simply take cuttings from your mint plant and regrow them and go from there.

If you already have an organic garden and are looking to improve, that’s also great. There is a lot of info online. Various pros are sharing what works for them and what doesn’t.

Always keep in mind that what works for one person might not work for someone else.

It depends on the plant hardiness zone you’re in and the person giving advice is in. Every year is different. Sometimes a mild winter can have a big impact on the summer crops, etc.

An organic garden is a big experiment. Expect to have success, but don’t expect a perfect yield.

In this guide. We’re going to try and help you be successful with your organic garden.

To start. What actually is organic gardening?

what is organic gardening

What is Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is a method of cultivating plants without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms. It emphasizes natural soil enrichment, biological pest control, and sustainable practices to promote environmental and human health.

What are the main benefits of Organic Gardening

Organic gardening has a lot of awesome benefits. It also depends if you have an organic garden for yourself and your family or if you’re gardening and selling your produce.

Here are some of the main benefits of organic gardening.

Environmental Health and Sustainability:

  • Soil Health: Organic gardening enhances soil health by encouraging the growth of beneficial microorganisms and maintaining a balanced soil structure. Avoiding synthetic fertilizers and pesticides allows the soil to thrive naturally.
  • Reduced Chemical Runoff: Without the use of synthetic chemicals, there’s a significant reduction in the risk of chemical runoff into nearby water sources. This protects aquatic ecosystems from harmful pollutants.
  • Biodiversity: Organic gardens often support a more diverse range of plant and animal life. This can include beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife that play a role in natural pest control and pollination.

Human Health Benefits:

  • No Synthetic Chemical Residues: Foods grown organically have a lower risk of containing residues from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can be harmful to human health.
  • Nutrient Density: Some studies suggest that organically grown foods may have higher concentrations of certain nutrients, such as antioxidants, compared to their conventionally grown counterparts.
  • Reduced Exposure: Gardeners practicing organic methods are not exposed to potentially harmful chemicals that can be found in synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

Taste and Quality:

  • Flavor: Many people believe that organically grown fruits and vegetables offer a richer, more authentic flavor compared to conventionally grown produce.
  • Quality: Due to the focus on soil health and natural growth processes, organically grown foods often have better texture and longevity.
  • Connection to Food Source: Organic gardening provides individuals with a closer connection to their food source, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the growth process and a better understanding of where their food comes from.

Learn everything you need to know about Organic Gardening from Pros

Start your Free Audible Trial and get access to the Top Gardening Audio Books for an entire month. Check it out

Lineup of Top Organic Gardening Audio Books

Organic Gardening: 5 Books in 1: How to Get Started with Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden, Master Hydroponics & Aquaponics, Learn to Grow Vegetables the Easy Way and Achieve Your Dream Greenhouse

Organic Gardening 5 Books in 1 How to Get Started with Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden, Master Hydroponics Aquaponics Audiobook

Organic Gardening for Beginners: Learn How to Easily Start and Run Your Own Organic Garden, and How to Grow Your Own Organic Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs!

Organic Gardening for Beginners Learn How to Easily Start and Run Your Own Organic Garden Audiobook

Raised-Bed Gardening for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know to Start and Sustain a Thriving Garden

Raised-Bed Gardening for Beginners Everything You Need to Know to Start and Sustain a Thriving Garden Audiobook

Pest Control for Organic Gardening: Natural Methods for Pest and Disease Control for a Healthy Garden

Pest Control for Organic Gardening Natural Methods for Pest and Disease Control for a Healthy Garden Audiobook

What you should grow in your Organic Garden

What you should grow in your Organic Garden

So what should you actually grow in your Organic Garden?

This is of course very personal, but here are some things to consider.

Grow what grows well

We already talked about the plant hardiness zones at the start of this guide. That should be your starting point. You might want to grow some nice exotic fruits and vegetables, but you might not be able to due to your climate.

Second. There are also plants that are simply easy to grow and maintain and others that are more difficult. Tomatoes need a lot of pruning for instance while lattices can attract a lot of snails in wet climates. This should not deter you from growing tomatoes, but just understand that some crops are easier than others.

Grow Annual and Perennial plants

Some plants you need to re-plant every season (annuals) while others will grow back in the next season (perennials) like trees and fruit shrubs. You might want to grow both types and maybe even grow them next to one another in a Permaculture style.

Grow what you enjoy growing and love eating

Maybe straightforward but don’t overlook the plants that you love eating and enjoy growing. Don’t simply grow vegetables to build variety even though you don’t enjoy eating them.

Top Organic Gardening Tools

You probably won’t be digging the ground with your hands. Here are some of the most important Organic Gardening Tools you’ll need.

Wheelbarrow/Garden Cart



Compost Bin

Top Organic Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

top organic gardening mistakes to avoid

Organic gardening offers numerous benefits, but it’s easy for beginners and even experienced gardeners to make mistakes. Here are some of the top organic gardening mistakes to avoid:

  1. Overwatering or Underwatering: Proper watering is essential. Both overwatering and underwatering can stress plants, making them more susceptible to diseases and pests.
  2. Not Testing Soil: Skipping a soil test means you might miss crucial information about pH levels and nutrient deficiencies, leading to poor plant growth.
  3. Ignoring Companion Planting: Certain plants can benefit each other when grown together by repelling pests or enhancing growth. Ignoring these relationships can lead to increased pest problems and suboptimal growth.
  4. Not Rotating Crops: Planting the same crops in the same location year after year can deplete soil nutrients and increase susceptibility to pests and diseases that target those plants.
  5. Neglecting Soil Health: Healthy soil is the foundation of organic gardening. Failing to add organic matter, such as compost or well-decomposed manure, can lead to poor soil structure and reduced fertility.
  6. Overusing Organic Pesticides: Even organic or natural pesticides can be harmful if overused. They should be used judiciously and as a last resort.
  7. Not Observing & Monitoring: Regularly checking plants for signs of diseases or pests allows for early intervention, preventing minor issues from becoming major problems.
  8. Planting Without Planning: Planting without a clear plan can lead to overcrowded gardens, competition for nutrients, and increased vulnerability to pests.
  9. Choosing the Wrong Plants: It’s essential to select plants that are suitable for your specific region, climate, and soil type.
  10. Neglecting Beneficial Insects: Beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and predatory mites, play a crucial role in controlling pests. Using treatments that harm these helpers can disrupt the natural balance of your garden.

Top Organic Gardening Best Practices

Top Organic Gardening Best Practices

Embracing best practices in organic gardening ensures optimal plant health, yield, and sustainability. Here are some top organic gardening best practices:

  1. Soil Testing: Regularly test your soil to understand its pH, nutrient levels, and composition. This helps tailor your soil amendments and care regimen.
  2. Composting: Regularly add well-decomposed compost to enrich the soil, improve its texture, and enhance its microbial activity, which aids plant growth.
  3. Crop Rotation: Rotate your crops each season to prevent soil-borne diseases and pests from becoming established and to improve soil health.
  4. Mulching: Use organic mulch, like straw or leaves, to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  5. Beneficial Insects: Encourage beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory mites, which act as natural predators to many garden pests.
  6. Companion Planting: Integrate plants that naturally complement and protect each other from pests or boost their growth. For example, planting basil near tomatoes can repel tomato hornworms.
  7. Diverse Planting: Diversifying plant types in close proximity can deter pests and reduce the spread of diseases.
  8. Natural Pest Control: Before turning to organic pesticides, try physical interventions like hand-picking pests, using barriers, or water sprays. If you must use pesticides, opt for organic, non-toxic ones.
  9. Rainwater Harvesting: Collect rainwater to water your plants, as it’s typically free of chemicals and is a sustainable water source.
  10. Planting Cover Crops: In off-seasons, plant cover crops like clover or rye to prevent soil erosion, suppress weeds, and add organic matter to the soil.
  11. Mindful Watering: Water plants deeply and less frequently, ideally during the early morning or late evening to minimize evaporation and prevent fungal diseases.
  12. Choose Local and Heirloom Varieties: Local plant varieties are often better adapted to the regional climate and soil. Heirloom varieties can offer more nutritional value and flavor.
  13. Proper Spacing: Ensure plants are spaced appropriately to reduce competition for nutrients and to improve air circulation, reducing fungal disease risks.
  14. Regular Observation: Regularly inspect your garden for signs of pests or diseases. Early detection allows for more effective interventions.
  15. Organic Seeds and Seedlings: Start with organic seeds or seedlings to ensure your garden is free from synthetic chemicals from the outset.

By following these best practices, gardeners can create a thriving, sustainable, and productive organic garden environment.