5 Best Cybersecurity Tools for Securing Remote Work

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COVID-19 has changed our lives forever, as remote work has become a common practice in companies in the post-pandemic world. However, remotely working employees – and even office people – are susceptible to cyber threats since most businesses primarily operate online. Cybercrooks are especially after people’s errors, like falling for a phishing email or failing to store multiple passwords safely.

Whether the employees use their own or company-issued devices, it’s essential to bolster protection over workplace data, accounts, and files regardless. Therefore, each worker must receive cybersecurity training. And most importantly, the awareness of online threats should be further facilitated by the implementation of cybersecurity tools.

This article discusses the top 5 cybersecurity tools and practices for creating a safe remote work environment.


1. VPNs

VPN Tools for Securing Remote Work

One of the top tools for making remote work safer is a VPN (Virtual Private Network). The technology bridges a secure connection between you and the internet provider using modern AES-256 encryption. This cipher makes all your web traffic invisible to snoopers, even your ISP (Internet Service Provider). It’s a great tool because hackers will have difficulty penetrating your web traffic to gain access to sensitive information.

It’s best to use a VPN on all devices that could potentially have access to work-related data and files. Especially if the employees work outside their home address and connect to unsafe public Wi-Fi hotspots. More and more enterprises opt for a business-dedicated VPN service, though not yet all. Thus, we advise getting a VPN for Android or iOS, your laptop or desktop computer, not to leave a single spot for cybercriminals to take advantage of.

2. Antivirus software

Antivirus detects and diffuses malware, like ransomware, spyware, malvertising, viruses, trojans, and even data-harvesting. It’s reliable software for protecting employee devices from malware variants employing modern techniques from signature matching to AI-based detection. They use real-time threat protection and firewalls that keep constant vigilance and catch suspicious activity before it can cause harm.

Ransomware is one of the most common threats companies face, as their data is extremely valuable. Once it falls into the hands of cybercrooks, they’ll demand ransom for returning the data, threatening to send the information to competitors. Because of that, some antivirus apps have extra tools for elevated protection against ransomware and data theft.

In addition to safeguarding against a myriad of malware threats, maintaining robust phone security is imperative in today’s digital landscape. It’s crucial for any phone users to prioritize antivirus software designed specifically for their operating system. A reliable antivirus for Mac or iPhone should offer real-time threat protection, malware detection, and additional features tailored to combat the rising tide of cyber threats. As technology evolves, so do the tactics of cybercriminals, making proactive security measures, such as antivirus software, an essential component of a comprehensive defense strategy for both personal and professional devices.

3. Password managers

Password managers for Securing Remote Work

All companies have a myriad of accounts that employees, teams, and departments must juggle. Eventually, it becomes too much, and the means of storing these passwords could pose risks. Enter password managers, which store all your credentials safely in an impenetrable vault. On top of that, they also help you create unique and strong passwords, adding them to the bunch that you can only unlock with one master password.

Password manager services will also come in clutch through monitoring your digital identity, scouring the dark web for leaked account credentials, or warning you when services you use have been breached. In the case of a breach, you’ll be prompted to change your password right away. It’s a convenient tool for keeping your accounts safe and easily shared between teams, departments, and remote workers. No wonder that Security.org reports password manager users by 79 million people as of 2022, vouching for the reliability of the service.

4. Backup solutions

Cybercriminals develop more advanced ransomware tactics, so opting for data-recovery solutions in critical cases is a must. For this reason, employing backup solutions for employees is a valuable practice that can save funds and peace of mind for the higher-ups and the workers. You’ll find cloud storage among top business tools since it helps manage projects easier on top of adding a layer of security.

Cryptolocker-resistant cloud storage is the best pick against ransomware and data threats. The type of storage has a higher chance of detecting ransomware attempts and protecting files from getting encrypted, all done in seconds. Also, it’s a great means of sharing files with remote workers, whether in-house or freelancers, without sabotaging access and the safety of sensitive information.

5. Two-factor tokens

Instilling a habit of using 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) is one of the best things you can do for yourself, whether with work or personal accounts. Though taking extra steps to log into your account may appear tedious, this practice can be a critical saving factor against cyber threats. In short, requiring extra confirmation or steps hinders hacking attempts or unauthorized access if you lose your mobile phone.

While 2FA systems, such as time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) accessible via smartphones, offer convenience, there is merit in utilizing hardware tokens. For example, these tokens are compatible with a wide range of applications and services, whether they are web-based or locally hosted. In brief, hardware tokens strengthen the two-factor authentication further. But either manner of 2FA is already a giant leap in a higher degree of security.

Final thoughts

Enterprise data is a valuable target that cybercrooks seek means to obtain through nefarious means. Thus, companies dealing with online environments, especially remote workers, must invest in proficient cybersecurity tools as preventative measures. Besides, most of the top tools, like VPNs, antimalware software, password managers, backup solutions, and 2FA, help optimize work processes for remote employees.

Cybersecurity is a dynamic and fast-expanding industry that businesses turn to for guidance against ransomware, spyware, malware, and other threats. Whether your company is full-remote, hybrid, or office-only, opting for recommended tools will help you achieve tranquility in managing your workplace. After all, it’s better to play it safe than to be sorry.


How can organizations ensure the security of remote work environments?

Organizations can ensure remote work security through a combination of policies, technology solutions, and employee training.

What are the common security risks associated with remote work?

Common risks include data breaches, unauthorized access, phishing attacks, insecure Wi-Fi networks, and endpoint vulnerabilities.

How can employees secure their home networks for remote work?

Employees should use strong, unique passwords, enable encryption on their Wi-Fi routers, and regularly update router firmware.

What role does multi-factor authentication (MFA) play in remote work security?

MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing systems or data.

What best practices should employees follow to avoid falling victim to phishing attacks while working remotely?

Employees should be cautious of unsolicited emails, verify sender identities, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments.

How can organizations protect sensitive data when employees work remotely?

Encryption, data loss prevention (DLP) solutions, and secure file-sharing platforms can help protect sensitive data.

What is the importance of regularly updating and patching remote work devices?

Regular updates and patches fix known vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of cyberattacks on remote work devices.

How should organizations approach remote work cybersecurity training for employees?

Organizations should provide cybersecurity awareness training, covering topics like password management, safe browsing, and recognizing phishing attempts.

What are the considerations for securing video conferencing and collaboration tools used in remote work?

Secure configuration settings, password protection, and the use of end-to-end encryption are important considerations for securing these tools.

What should organizations do to prepare for a remote work security incident or breach?

Organizations should have an incident response plan in place, with clear steps for detection, containment, communication, and recovery in the event of a security incident or breach.

How can organizations manage and secure remote work devices effectively?

Organizations can use mobile device management (MDM) solutions to enforce security policies, remotely monitor devices, and apply updates.

What are the best practices for securing remote access to company networks and resources?

Secure remote access involves using virtual private networks (VPNs), secure tunneling protocols, and strong authentication methods.

What should organizations do to protect sensitive information during remote file sharing and collaboration?

Using secure, encrypted file-sharing platforms and setting access controls can help protect sensitive information during remote collaboration.

What is the role of endpoint security solutions in securing remote work devices?

Endpoint security solutions, like antivirus software and intrusion detection systems, help safeguard remote work devices from malware and threats.

How can organizations ensure the security of remote work communications and data transfer?

Secure communication methods, such as encrypted email and messaging apps, along with secure file transfer protocols, enhance remote work security.

What should employees do to maintain physical security for remote work setups?

Employees should lock their devices when not in use, secure physical documents, and use privacy screens to prevent unauthorized viewing of sensitive information.

How can organizations balance security with employee privacy in remote work environments?

Organizations can strike a balance by defining clear security policies, providing secure communication channels, and respecting privacy boundaries.

What are the considerations for securing personal devices used for remote work?

Organizations should establish bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies, ensure devices are up to date, and enforce security measures on personal devices.

How does remote work security compliance, such as GDPR or HIPAA, impact organizations?

Organizations must ensure that remote work practices comply with relevant regulations and implement measures to protect data subject to compliance requirements.

What resources and guidelines are available to help organizations and employees improve remote work security?

Numerous resources, including cybersecurity guides, government recommendations, and industry best practices, can assist organizations and employees in enhancing remote work security.

How can organizations prevent unauthorized access to remote work systems and data?

Organizations can implement strong access controls, user authentication, and privileged access management to prevent unauthorized access.

What are the security implications of remote work on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies?

BYOD policies should include security requirements, such as device encryption and remote wipe capabilities, to protect company data on personal devices.

What role does continuous monitoring and threat detection play in remote work security?

Continuous monitoring helps organizations detect and respond to security threats and anomalies in real-time, enhancing remote work security.

How can organizations protect remote work environments from ransomware attacks?

Regular backups, employee training on recognizing phishing attempts, and robust endpoint security can help prevent and mitigate ransomware attacks.

What measures can organizations take to secure remote work for contractors and third-party vendors?

Organizations should extend their security policies and requirements to contractors and vendors, including secure access and data protection.

How does remote work impact the security of intellectual property and proprietary information?

Protecting intellectual property requires encryption, access controls, and monitoring to prevent data leaks or unauthorized access.

What should employees do to secure their home office setups for remote work?

Employees should regularly update software, secure Wi-Fi networks with strong passwords, and use antivirus software to protect their home office.

How can organizations ensure secure video conferencing for remote meetings?

Secure video conferencing involves using encrypted platforms, requiring meeting passwords, and controlling access to virtual meetings.

What are the steps for securely disposing of electronic devices that were used for remote work?

Securely disposing of devices involves wiping data, physically destroying storage media, and recycling electronics through reputable services.

What are the potential legal and financial consequences for organizations that fail to secure remote work environments?

Failure to secure remote work environments can result in data breaches, legal liabilities, regulatory fines, and reputational damage for organizations.

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