Member’s Posts on GlobalOwls2023-06-07T12:57:58+00:00

Member’s Posts on GlobalOwls

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Top Project Management Buzzwords You Need to Know

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Top Project Management Buzzwords You Need to Know Communicate easier with colleagues. Learn industry terms, buzzwords and jargon most used in Project Management settings. Check out these top Buzzwords. Project management can seem like a daunting function to get right, and in [...]

How To Make A Meme Video in Under 5 Minutes

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How To Make A Meme Video in Under 5 Minutes Meme videos are a fun way to get a message across, especially in today's fast-paced society. Instead of spending hours upon hours writing wordy essays and leaving your audience bored, make a short video that will be sure [...]

How Social Commerce is Changing Retail

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How Social Commerce is Changing Retail Discover how social media and e-commerce are merging to create a new way of shopping. Join us as we explore the future of shopping through social commerce. Hey there! Are you curious about how social media [...]

10 Email Newsletter Design Ideas to Hook Your Subscribers

Categories: Members, Nonprofit marketing, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

10 Email Newsletter Design Ideas to Hook Your Subscribers Are you looking to improve your Email Marketing Campaigns? Be sure to pay attention to your Email Design. Check out our tips. The email newsletter strategy is still going strong today. As every [...]

The AI Revolution in Marketing: From Targeting to Telepathy

Categories: Members|

The AI Revolution in Marketing: From Targeting to Telepathy The marketing landscape has undergone a seismic shift in recent years. Gone are the days of mass-market advertising and generic messaging. Today, the savvy marketer wields a potent weapon: artificial intelligence (AI). This [...]

How To Advertise A Green Event For Your Business

Categories: Members|

How To Advertise A Green Event For Your Business Eco-friendliness is on-trend. If you're hosting a green event, your advertising efforts must capitalise on the current climate (pun intended). After all, consumers want businesses to be more sustainable today. Business partners are also raising their [...]

How Pinterest is Useful for Small Business Marketing

Categories: Members|

How Pinterest is Useful for Small Business Marketing Pinterest offers small businesses a creative and visually engaging platform to showcase their products, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, and foster customer loyalty. For any illustrated inspiration, we usually refer to Pinterest. Because [...]

Social Media Advertising: Targeting Strategies to Reach Ideal Audience

Categories: Members|

Social Media Advertising: Targeting Strategies to Reach Ideal Audience Generating optimal results through social media advertising is an art. Check out the tactics to reach your ideal audience and generate results through your ads campaign. Social media is an amazing marketing tool [...]

Creating Hyper-Targeted Campaigns with AI

Categories: AI Marketing, Members|

Creating Hyper-Targeted Campaigns with AI Introduction to AI in marketing campaigns In today's digital landscape, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in various industries, including marketing. AI has revolutionized the way businesses approach campaign creation, allowing for more precise [...]