Tech 4 Good2021-08-31T13:57:22+00:00

Tech 4 Good

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Get Your AI-Powered Gardening App [Start For Free]

Categories: AI Marketing, Gardening, Members, Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Get Your AI-Powered Gardening App [Start For Free] Smarter Gardening Starts Here! Take the guesswork out of gardening with StrongEcho Garden, the ultimate gardening app designed to help you grow healthy plants, identify problems, and create a thriving garden effortlessly. Try it for free [...]

Top Christian YouTube Channels You Should Subscribe To

Categories: Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Top Christian YouTube Channels You Should Subscribe To Christian creators are stepping up to share uplifting, faith-filled content. Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance, biblical teaching, or simply a sense of community, YouTube offers a wealth of channels that cater to Christians from all [...]

What Role Does Artificial Intelligence Play in Achieving Sustainability?

Categories: Members, Sustainability, Tech 4 Good|

What Role Does Artificial Intelligence Play in Achieving Sustainability? Technology can help us make giant leaps. Check out how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can help us become more Sustainable. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) which, at the [...]

7 Reasons to Choose Analytics Cloud for SAP SuccessFactors Analytics

Categories: Tech 4 Good|

7 Reasons to Choose Analytics Cloud for SAP SuccessFactors Analytics In today's data-driven business environment, harnessing and analyzing data effectively is critical to achieving strategic goals. Human Resource (HR) departments are increasingly relying on analytics to make informed decisions, streamline operations, and improve [...]

How to End Social Media Addiction and Protect Your Mental Health

Categories: Members, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How to End Social Media Addiction and Protect Your Mental Health What social media addiction is, why it’s a problem, and how to solve it Welcome to your first Social Media Addicts Anonymous Meeting. I’m Erwin, and I am addicted to social media.Who [...]

100 Solutions to Climate Change [Ranked]

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

100 solutions to Climate Change [Ranked] Graphics, video and book. Let's get started! What if you were to rank 100 solutions to climate change? What would you expect to be the top 10? Reducing meat consumption? Solar? Isolating our existing buildings? Let [...]

How the Internet of Things Can Save Our Environment

Categories: Members, Tech 4 Good|

How the Internet of Things Can Save Our Environment It's no surprise that Technology can be used for Good (Tech4Good). In this article, we'll present 3 ways of how Tech can help save our environment. A fact that can be accepted by most [...]

Solutions to stop Plastic Pollution [People, Tech, Organizations, Governments]

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good|Tags: |

Solutions to stop Plastic Pollution [People, Tech, Organizations, Governments] Reducing our plastic pollution is one of the greatest challenges facing planet earth. Luckily, there are solutions. Governments, Organizations, and millions of people are stepping up. Together, we can fight the currently, 13 million [...]

How Smart Technologies Help In Crop Production

Categories: Members, Tech 4 Good|

How Smart Technologies Help In Crop Production Farming is becoming more populair and the drive for innovation is much needed. Check out how Smart Technologies help in Crop Production. Farming is becoming fashionable, in large part because of its growing profitability. And innovations [...]

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