5 Benefits Of Responding To Reviews On Social Media

The clue is in the name: ‘social’ media. In other words, if you aren’t using the platforms to communicate and engage with your audience then there’s no point using them at all.

GlobalOwls individuals

It’s always nice when you leave some feedback for a business you had a positive interaction with but do you know what’s better? When they respond and tell you how grateful they are!

Do not underestimate the power of responding to reviews on social media.

Read on for 5 compelling arguments in favour of putting the time in…

In this article

1. Because it looks tidy

Because it looks tidy

You should treat any review that hasn’t been responded to as ‘unread’. An ‘unread’ message that you have yet to deal with accordingly.

With this mind-set you will always make a point of taking the time to respond to your feedback in a meaningful way.

It might seem like a non-issue to most people, but whenever I see a brand that responds to some feedback and neglects the rest, it just looks plain untidy to me. And that can also be construed as being a product of disorganisation – or laziness (especially at the lower end of the spectrum).

Just as you take the time to create compelling posts on social media, you should also take the time to respond to your feedback.

Keep it tidy.

2. Because you can gain actionable insights

Treat each and every single review you receive as an opportunity to learn and grow.

A 4* review is rather positive, but typically includes a negative or two. So, what can you learn from them? Are the customers splitting hairs or is there room for you to improve your customer service?

Similarly, if the feedback is 1* and overwhelmingly negative, have you really dropped the ball? Did one of your customers have an inexcusably negative experience?

Gain actionable insights from your feedback and make positive changes in your business.

3. Because they made the effort

When people make an effort to communicate with you, the least you can do is to respond in kind.

The fact is, if your customers take time out of their day to prop your company up then you owe them an acknowledgement at the very least.

The good news is that when others see that you respond to all feedback, they’ll feel more inclined to share their thoughts with you as a result – which means more social proof!

4. Because it builds trust

Because it builds trust

If 100 customers leave feedback on a product or service and 100 customers get zero response…what does that say about the business?

It doesn’t matter which way you look at it; the business almost always comes out looking bad.

  • 100 positive reviews with zero responses from the business: looks rather arrogant.
  • 100 negative reviews with zero responses: no wonder they are rated so poorly!

Respond to customer feedback if anything to build trust. Show everyone that you are a genuine business with people manning the barricades and actively responding to your community.

Even if you aren’t consistently batting 1,000 with the most positive reviews, it demonstrates that you are still trying! That you are listening to feedback and taking action.

5. You’ll gain even more visibility

If people are taking the time to leave feedback about your business, then this signals to Google that yours is a business worth talking about. The more you respond, the more response you will get; and indeed the more positive that feedback the greater the chance that Google will reward you with more visibility in the SERPS (search engine results page).

Treat reviews like content – and an opportunity to write something positive and constructive in response. It all adds up.

Conclusion: It’s called ‘social’ media

The clue is in the name: ‘social’ media. In other words, if you aren’t using the platforms to communicate and engage with your audience then there’s no point using them at all.

Of course, if you are content with your job of owning and running a business and you would prefer not to have to waste your time responding to every single social interaction your business has, then it’s almost certainly worth hiring the experts to do 

it for you.

There’s a social media marketing agency with your name on! 

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