How Access to Clean Water Can Help Improve the World

There are many reasons why access to clean water can help people, planet and animals. Check out why.

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Clean water is essential to human health, our beloved way of life, and our economy. People need clean, safe water for cooking, washing, sanitation, and general health.

According to statistics, more than 800 children under the age of 5 die every day from diarrhea disease caused by contaminated water, poor sanitation, and unsafe hygiene. The global water and sanitation crisis can be solved in our lifetime by safe water and the planet. Therefore, clean water is a crucial part of our lives that impacts the world in different ways.

Among the ways that access to clean water can make the world better are:

More life quality and hygiene through clean water

Cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio are just some of the diseases that can spread through contaminated water and poor sanitation. People are exposed to health risks that would be preventable if water and sanitation services were not available or were poorly or improperly provided.

Below are some statistics from WHO and UNICEF on clean water:

  • Drinking Water
    • 2 billion people do not have access to safely treated drinking water at home. Of these, 1.2 billion people have a basic supply of drinking water.
    • Between 2015-2020, 107 million people have access to safe drinking water at home.
  • 8 out of 10 people who still do not have a basic supply of drinking water live in rural areas.
  • Sanitation
  • 3.6 billion people, nearly half the world’s population, do not have access to safe sanitation in their homes. Of these people, 1.9 billion live without basic sanitation, and 494 million people defecate in the open.
  • Hygiene
    • 2.3 billion people lack hygiene services, including soap and water at home. This includes 670 million people who cannot wash their hands at all.
    • In rural areas, only 1 in 3 people have access to basic hygiene services.

More clean water allows people to experience a cleaner life. One way to get clean water is to use different water filters, such as the reverse osmosis system, which should be an important part of kitchen equipment.

Boost countries’ economic growth 

Accumulation of the capital stock, an increase in labor inputs such as labor or labor hours, and technological innovation are the main drivers of economic growth. In addition, better management of water resources and improvements in water supply and sanitation can significantly reduce poverty rates and stimulate national economic growth.

Impact on the reduction of disease and death

About 80% of infections in poorer countries are due to dirty water and inadequate sanitation. As stated earlier, many people and children die from unclean water. Therefore, access to clean water can significantly reduce the incidence of water-related diseases, especially among children.

Impact on the reduction of pollution

Pollution is a worldwide problem and involves the release of harmful pollutants into the environment. Pollution can spread to remote areas where no one lives, although urban areas tend to be more polluted than rural areas. For example, the Antarctic ice sheet has been shown to contain chemicals and pesticides. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a huge accumulation of tiny plastic garbage in the middle of the northern Pacific Ocean.

Poor wastewater management can lead to an increase in polluted water that can spread and contaminate drinking water supplies. More efficient and effective methods of reducing pollution can help keep water clean.

Positive effects on biodiversity

Clean water doesn’t just benefit humans. It helps preserve fully functioning ecosystems, from animals to natural vegetation that needs clean water to grow.

There are several strategies to provide healthy, pure water to vegetation: managing vegetation and soils in watersheds has long been a best practice to stop erosion and reduce sediment loads in reservoirs. Ecosystem restoration is increasingly being used to significantly increase the effectiveness and longevity of dams. Surface and groundwater recharge to reservoirs is regulated by healthy watersheds, and the use of reservoir fisheries as a source of food, income, and recreation is increasing.

Climate Change Impact

Numerous approaches to climate change can boost the economy while improving our quality of life and protecting the environment. Climate change is affected by a number of factors, including water. Therefore, access to clean water is crucial. Also, weather disruptions caused by climate change could potentially lead to an increase in severe droughts, which could disrupt the water cycle and make it much more difficult to obtain water. Access to clean water can help communities get ahead of this burgeoning problem.


Health is an important aspect of life. Access to clean water is a necessity because it affects our lives and the world in many ways: health, as many people suffer from diseases caused by unclean water for drinking and cooking; biodiversity; and climate change. People care about their health in different ways, but access to clean water is one of those ways.


What is Access to Clean Water?
It refers to the availability of safe and clean water for drinking and sanitation.

Why is Clean Water Important?
Clean water is essential for health, hygiene, and human survival.

What are Common Sources of Clean Water?
Sources include treated municipal water, wells, and natural springs.

How Many People Lack Access to Clean Water?
Millions worldwide, particularly in developing countries, lack access.

What Causes Limited Access to Clean Water?
Factors include pollution, infrastructure issues, and economic constraints.

What Are the Health Impacts of Unsanitary Water?
It can lead to diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid.

How Can Clean Water Access be Improved?
Through infrastructure development, water treatment, and sustainable practices.

What Role Does Conservation Play in Water Access?
Conservation helps sustain water sources and improve access.

How Does Climate Change Affect Water Access?
It leads to water scarcity and contamination issues.

What Organizations Work to Improve Water Access?
Many NGOs and international organizations focus on water access initiatives.

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