What are the best free Nonprofit SEO tools for 2024

Want to know what the best SEO tools are for nonprofits? Check out this lineup of, free, SEO tools by Michael Vuong.

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SEO tools are incredibly important for your growth and understanding of relevant keywords for your target group. Although intent remains one of the most important factors to retain your audience’s attention. If you run on a tight marketing budget it is hard to create brand awareness through paid advertisement, let alone buy one of those shiny marketing tools. We compiled a list of free SEO tools for you so you don’t have to go look for them.

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1. Ubersuggest

Awareness probably tops your list of priorities when it comes to your generating awareness for your cause. To create more awareness you are probably posting blogs, articles or text throughout your website. However, with the amount of content on the internet, it is hard to sift through all of them just to find yours.

Neil Patel’s ‘Ubersuggest’ has made this easier. This free-to-use SEO tool is able to analyze your website within seconds. With a user-friendly UI, you can navigate easily through the menu’s to carefully read what you need to work on through a site audit.

There is no requirement to have an account which makes this tool easy and quick to use. Any website can be looked up with this tool. You might want to do some research on your competitors to see what kind of keywords they are using 😉

Check out this article to learn more about how to do proper keyword research.

free seo tool ubersuggest

2. Answerthepublic

This beautifully designed website can help you with the visitor’s keywords search behavior. Based on your desired keyword it is able to generate a web of long-tail keywords. It is mainly looking at the web for questions that are related to the specific keyword.

Based on the questions that are asked it is able to find relevant keywords around your main subject. Unfortunately, the system is not able to make suggestions on the desired language. However, if you are able to afford their subscription then this option will open up for you.

free seo tool answerthepublic

3. Google Search Console

Besides Google Analytics, the Search Console from Google is a great tool to get rich SEO data. Unlike any other tools on the market, it is able to retrieve the data directly from Google. Google’s other product: Analytics has more limitations when it comes to analyzing your SEO performance.

This is where the Search Console complements the analytics tool. With the rank tracker, you are able to check your site rankings on various SERPs. Besides the pages that are indexed, there is also a list of pages that aren’t getting indexed.

The Index Coverage report gives you several reasons as to why you are page isn’t getting indexed. This will help you to get your pages back on track. By the way. If you want to learn more about SEO, check out this resource: How to learn SEO [newby-friendly guide].

free seo tool Google Search Console

4. Moz’s Link explorer

There are many different factors to get a high rank within Google search. One of them is based on the value of your link. If you have lots of inbound links from a website with a low domain ranking it will most likely impact your ranking.

Moz’s link explorer gives you insight regarding your domain and page authority. You might wonder what the difference is between these two.  Domain authority mainly measures the predictive ranking strength of the entire domains or subdomains whilst Page authority is only looking at the strength of individual pages.

Whilst the tool can help you improve SEO of your nonprofit it is, however, being used as a comparative metric than an absolute score. This means there isn’t really a good or bad score, you just want to do better than your competitor within the SERP.

It is important to note that you need an account to make use of Moz’s link explorer. Creating an account is free.

Another metric commonly used is Trust Flow, which gives you the scores of external links to your website. It basically shows you the trustworthiness of your website. The trust flow can be found on Majestic after you have registered for a free account (which gives you access to make three search queries a day).

free seo tool Moz’s Link explorer

5. Yoast WordPress plugin

If your website is running on WordPress then Yoast would be an excellent addition. The Yoast WordPress plugin helps you proofreading your website’s content. By using a key phrase the plugin is able to recognize the density of the keyword within your text.

Based on this information it determines if the use of that specific keyword is sufficient. Besides the SEO help, it also rates your content on readability. A few tips are given to improve your text if necessary. The tool is easy to use and can improve your SEO and readability on your website significantly.

free seo tool Yoast WordPress plugin

6. Nightwatch Rank Tracker

Nightwatch’s Rank Tracker is a powerful SEO tool that tracks rankings across 100,000 global locations on major search engines like Google, Bing, and YouTube.

Beyond mere tracking, Nightwatch offers unmatched access to any Google Data Center, guaranteeing unparalleled precision in local data retrieval. It enables its users to effortlessly pinpoint declining content, harness near-range keyword opportunities, and track transactional keyword performance. The intuitive drag-and-drop editor simplifies report creation, while its site auditor swiftly identifies website issues.

Seamlessly integrated with Google Analytics and Search Console, Nightwatch is the comprehensive solution for nonprofits aiming for dominant digital presence. And best of all – you can try this advanced service for free!

7. BuzzSumo

When you are creating SEO-optimized content the focus isn’t on just ‘gaming the system’. Your content also needs to appeal to your target group. Buzzsumo is a great tool to stay up to date on the latest and greatest of anything related to your industry.

Buzzsumo’s tool can help you analyze past content as well as the influencer connected to specific keywords. Know what content is most read on the subject and adjust your content towards the target group.

free seo tool Buzzsumo

8. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is a free web analytics tool you can use after registration. With an easy-to-find UI, you can use this tool to analyze your traffic, referrals, social as an extra besides Google Analytics. However, I have mainly used this as a comparative tool.

The aforementioned categories can be used to put your website next to your direct competitor for analytic purposes. Using data from your competitor next to yours give you the right insights to what you been missing and can improve upon.

free seo tool SimilarWeb

9. Agency Dashboard

Agency Dashboard is an all-in-one reporting platform where you can analyse the performance of your marketing campaigns in a single dashboard. You can track following:

a. Organic Search I.e SEO progress of your website.

b. Ads (Google, FB and Insta Ads)

c. Organic Social (Facebook, Insta and many more)

It also offers unlimited free keyword research and unlimited free site audits. 

Check out Agency Dashboard.

SEO tools nonprofit - Agency Dashboard


What Are SEO Tools for Nonprofits?

SEO tools for nonprofits are software applications designed to help nonprofit organizations optimize their websites and content for search engines, improving their online visibility and reach.

Why Are SEO Tools Important for Nonprofits?

SEO tools are important for nonprofits as they help in increasing the visibility of their websites, which can lead to more donations, volunteer sign-ups, and overall awareness of their cause.

What Types of SEO Tools Should Nonprofits Use?

Nonprofits should consider using keyword research tools, site audit tools, backlink analysis tools, content optimization tools, and analytics tools to enhance various aspects of their SEO strategy.

Can Nonprofits Find Free or Discounted SEO Tools?

Yes, many SEO tool providers offer free versions of their tools or special discounts for nonprofit organizations, making them more accessible to organizations with limited budgets.

How Can SEO Tools Help Nonprofits With Keyword Research?

SEO tools can help nonprofits identify relevant keywords that their target audience is searching for, allowing them to optimize their content and improve their chances of ranking higher in search results.

What Are the Benefits of Site Audit Tools for Nonprofits?

Site audit tools can help nonprofits identify technical SEO issues on their websites, such as broken links, slow loading times, and crawl errors, which can hinder their search engine performance.

How Do Backlink Analysis Tools Benefit Nonprofit SEO?

Backlink analysis tools allow nonprofits to assess the quality and quantity of external sites linking to their website, which is a key factor in search engine rankings.

What Role Does Content Optimization Play in SEO for Nonprofits?

Content optimization ensures that the content on a nonprofit’s website is relevant, keyword-rich, and valuable to readers, which can improve search rankings and user engagement.

Can SEO Tools Help Nonprofits Track Their Search Engine Rankings?

Yes, many SEO tools include features that allow nonprofits to track their search engine rankings for specific keywords, helping them understand the effectiveness of their SEO efforts.

How Important Is Analytics in Nonprofit SEO?

Analytics is crucial in nonprofit SEO as it provides insights into website traffic, user behavior, and the performance of different content, guiding data-driven decisions to improve SEO strategies.

How Can Nonprofits Use SEO Tools to Improve Local Search Visibility?

Nonprofits can use SEO tools to optimize for local search by identifying local keywords, monitoring local search rankings, and managing local directory listings to improve visibility in community-specific searches.

What Is the Significance of Mobile Optimization in SEO for Nonprofits?

Mobile optimization is vital as a significant portion of online searches are performed on mobile devices. SEO tools can help nonprofits ensure their website is mobile-friendly, which is crucial for better search engine rankings.

Can SEO Tools Help Nonprofits in Content Strategy Planning?

Yes, SEO tools can assist in content strategy planning by providing insights into trending topics, content gaps, and popular keywords, guiding the creation of relevant and engaging content.

How Do Nonprofits Benefit From Monitoring Competitors’ SEO Strategies?

Monitoring competitors’ SEO strategies can provide valuable insights into effective keywords, backlink strategies, and content approaches that could be adapted or improved upon for a nonprofit’s own SEO efforts.

What Are Some Common SEO Mistakes Nonprofits Should Avoid?

Common mistakes include neglecting mobile optimization, using ineffective or irrelevant keywords, having a slow-loading website, creating low-quality content, and ignoring the importance of backlinks.

How Can Nonprofits Effectively Measure the ROI of Their SEO Efforts?

ROI can be measured by tracking changes in organic traffic, search rankings, user engagement metrics, conversion rates from organic traffic (like donations or sign-ups), and overall online visibility.

Are There Specific SEO Strategies for Nonprofit Blogs and Publications?

SEO strategies for blogs include using relevant keywords, creating high-quality and informative content, optimizing meta tags and descriptions, and ensuring regular updates to keep the content fresh and engaging.

How Important Is User Experience in SEO for Nonprofits?

User experience is increasingly important in SEO, as search engines favor websites that provide a positive user experience, including fast load times, easy navigation, and valuable, well-organized content.

Can SEO Tools Help Nonprofits with Image and Video Optimization?

SEO tools can guide nonprofits in optimizing images and videos by providing insights into file size reductions, proper tagging, and using descriptive, keyword-rich file names and alt texts.

What Role Does Social Media Play in SEO for Nonprofits?

While social media directly doesn’t affect search rankings, a strong social media presence can increase content visibility, drive traffic to the website, and enhance brand recognition, indirectly supporting SEO efforts.

How Can SEO Tools Aid Nonprofits in Managing and Optimizing Meta Tags?

SEO tools can help nonprofits identify and optimize meta tags – including titles and descriptions – ensuring they are relevant, of optimal length, and include targeted keywords for better search rankings.

Can SEO Tools Help in Identifying and Fixing Broken Links on a Nonprofit’s Website?

Yes, many SEO tools have the capability to scan a website for broken links, which are important to fix as they can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

How Does Integrating SEO with Other Digital Marketing Efforts Benefit Nonprofits?

Integrating SEO with other digital marketing efforts, like social media and email marketing, creates a cohesive online presence, driving more traffic to the website and enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.

What Is the Importance of Long-Tail Keywords in SEO for Nonprofits?

Long-tail keywords are important as they are often less competitive and more specific, which can help nonprofits attract more qualified traffic and rank higher for niche search queries.

How Can Nonprofits Ensure Their Website Content is SEO-Friendly?

Nonprofits can ensure SEO-friendly content by focusing on relevance, using keywords naturally, providing value to readers, and regularly updating their site with fresh, high-quality content.

Can SEO Tools Track and Improve a Nonprofit’s Online Donor Acquisition?

SEO tools can track organic traffic leading to donation pages and help optimize those pages for higher search rankings, potentially improving online donor acquisition rates.

What Are the Benefits of Using SEO Tools for Keyword Tracking and Analysis?

Keyword tracking and analysis benefits include understanding which keywords are driving traffic, how they rank over time, and identifying new keyword opportunities for content optimization.

How Do Nonprofits Balance SEO and Readability in Their Online Content?

Balancing SEO and readability involves creating content that is both informative and engaging for readers, while also incorporating keywords and SEO best practices to enhance search visibility.

Are There SEO Strategies Specific to Nonprofit Event Promotion?

SEO strategies for event promotion include optimizing event pages with relevant keywords, creating event listings in local directories, and leveraging event-specific content for increased online visibility.

How Important is Accessibility in SEO for Nonprofit Websites?

Accessibility is increasingly important in SEO, as making websites accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, can improve user experience and is favored by search engines.

Author Bio:

Michael Vuong creates beautiful content for GlobalOwls and her partners and helps with Social Media strategies. See what he has written on GlobalOwls.

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