Sustainability blog posts2021-08-31T13:57:05+00:00

Sustainability blog posts

Read Sustainability blog posts from industry leaders featured on the GlobalOwls blog and get inspired.

What are the Best Reusable Grocery Bags?

Categories: Sustainability, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

What are the Best Reusable Grocery Bags? Want to switch from plastic bags to reusable grocery bags, but don't know what choices you have? Check out our list of best reusable grocery bags below. You might be used to the usual plastic [...]

How to Start a Paperless Eco Finance Office as a Startup Company

Categories: Members, Sustainability, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

How to Start a Paperless Eco Finance Office as a Startup Company Do you want to learn how to Start a Paperless Eco Finance Office as a Startup Company? Check out these tips by Lauren and empower your employees to be eco-friendly. [...]

How eCommerce Businesses And Marketplaces Are Ditching Plastic Packaging

Categories: Members, Sustainability|

4 Inspiring Ways How eCommerce Businesses And Marketplaces Are Ditching Plastic Packaging Plastics have helped humanity in many ways. Still, we can and must do better to reduce the plastic pollution. Here's how eCommerce Businesses and Marketplaces step up. Plastic packaging, landfills, [...]

100 Solutions to Climate Change [Ranked]

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

100 solutions to Climate Change [Ranked] Graphics, video and book. Let's get started! What if you were to rank 100 solutions to climate change? What would you expect to be the top 10? Reducing meat consumption? Solar? Isolating our existing buildings? Let [...]

5 Ways Organizations can Fight Climate Change to Build a Better Future

Categories: Members, Sustainability|Tags: |

5 Ways Organizations can Fight Climate Change to Build a Better Future The world has been going through an environmental crisis for decades, but now we are reaching a tipping point. Here's how organizations can fight climate change. The world has been [...]

Solutions to stop Plastic Pollution [People, Tech, Organizations, Governments]

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good|Tags: |

Solutions to stop Plastic Pollution [People, Tech, Organizations, Governments] Reducing our plastic pollution is one of the greatest challenges facing planet earth. Luckily, there are solutions. Governments, Organizations, and millions of people are stepping up. Together, we can fight the currently, 13 million [...]

3 Simple ways you can Prevent Climate Change

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

3 Simple ways you can Prevent Climate Change Want to prevent climate change? These 3 habits are having the most impact on our planet. See how you can help prevent climate change. Do people want to prevent climate change? Of course they [...]

5 Tech-Focused Tips to Improve Your Sustainability Strategy and Thrive

Categories: Members, Sustainability|Tags: |

5 Tech-Focused Tips to Improve Your Sustainability Strategy and Thrive Start using Tech for Good and improve sustainability in your organization. Check out our tips. Modern business is no longer just about making more money, it’s rapidly shifting towards sustainability and sustainable [...]

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