Five Tips on Maintaining Work-Life Balance at a Nonprofit

Maintaining a great work-life balance is difficult for everyone, especially for Nonprofit owners. Check out these tips below, by Tatiana Morand, to create a better balance in life.

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When your job feels like your calling, it can be hard to take time off.

However, between board meetings, grant proposals, and fundraising events, you might be starting to feel a little burnt out — which isn’t great for you or for your nonprofit.

Even when you’re passionate about your cause, sometimes you just really need to take a break.

However, I know that’s much easier said than done.

That’s why I’ve put together these tips on maintaining work-life balance when you work at a nonprofit.

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1. Shut off your email

Technology has made it much easier to connect with your volunteer base and generate interest in your nonprofit, but it’s also made it a lot harder to shut off. (I’m definitely guilty of this too!)

Although it can feel like you constantly have important messages to reply to, it’s important to disconnect and take some time for yourself outside of work hours — which means not responding the second an email arrives in your inbox.

2. Develop a routine

Setting aside a specific time every week for recurring tasks can help you stay on track. Although there are sure to be other things that come up (why do grant proposal deadlines always seem to sneak up like that?), having a general structure can help keep routine tasks from catching you off guard.

This tip can apply to your personal life, too. By taking a few minutes in the morning to stop at your favorite coffee place, or knowing that you’ll meet a friend for dinner every Thursday after work, you’ll have something small to look forward to that can help separate your work and home life.

3. Learn to say no

Working at a nonprofit can mean being pulled in 500 different directions at once. However, for the sake of your mental health, sometimes you just need to put your foot down. Saying no to a new idea doesn’t mean you’re not committed — it just means that you have your priorities in line.

4. Start using time-saving tools

If you feel like you’re constantly doing the same manual tasks over and over, it might be time to invest in software that can do it for you. Tools like membership management software can help you streamline operations, giving you time back for more strategic planning and more face-to-face time with your members.

5. Don’t feel guilty

Out of all my tips, this is the most important.

If every time you’re taking a break you feel like you’re waiting to get back to work, or you can’t stop thinking about work, then you won’t feel any more relaxed then when you started. By recognizing that, as much as you love what you do, sometimes you need to take time off, you’ll feel much more refreshed and ready to get back to it at the end of your break.

Maintaining work-life balance can be difficult when you work at a nonprofit… but if you want to be around for the long haul, it’s a skill you need to develop. Keeping these tips in mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed can help you avoid burnout and cultivate mindfulness that will help you both at work and at home.

Author Bio:

Tatiana Morand is the Content and SEO Manager at Wild Apricot. When she’s not preparing content to help small membership organizations with big dreams, she likes to explore Toronto’s brunch and cafe scene.


What is work-life balance in the context of a nonprofit? Work-life balance at a nonprofit refers to the ability of employees and volunteers to effectively manage their work responsibilities while having enough time and energy for personal interests and family life, despite the often demanding nature of nonprofit work.

Why is work-life balance important for nonprofit employees? Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for preventing burnout, reducing stress, and improving overall job satisfaction among nonprofit employees. It ensures that individuals remain passionate and committed to their cause without sacrificing their well-being.

How can nonprofit organizations support work-life balance? Nonprofits can support work-life balance by offering flexible working hours, encouraging time off, promoting a supportive culture that values personal time, providing access to wellness resources, and setting realistic expectations for workloads.

What strategies can individuals use to improve work-life balance? Individuals can improve their work-life balance by setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, taking regular breaks, and making time for activities that rejuvenate their spirit and health.

How does technology impact work-life balance in the nonprofit sector? Technology can both positively and negatively impact work-life balance. While it offers tools for flexibility and efficiency, it can also lead to the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. It’s important to use technology mindfully to support, not hinder, work-life balance.

Can flexible work arrangements help maintain work-life balance in nonprofits? Absolutely! Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work, flexible hours, and compressed workweeks, can greatly contribute to a better work-life balance by allowing employees to tailor their work schedules to fit their personal lives.

What role does organizational culture play in work-life balance? Organizational culture plays a significant role in work-life balance. A culture that prioritizes employee well-being and recognizes the importance of personal time encourages employees to manage their work and personal life more effectively.

How important is time management for maintaining work-life balance at a nonprofit? Time management is crucial for maintaining work-life balance. Effective time management enables individuals to efficiently complete work tasks, leaving more time for personal activities and reducing the risk of work encroaching on personal life.

What are some signs of poor work-life balance among nonprofit employees? Signs of poor work-life balance include constant fatigue, stress, reduced productivity, difficulty disconnecting from work, neglect of personal or family time, and feelings of burnout.

How can nonprofit employees negotiate for better work-life balance? Nonprofit employees can negotiate for better work-life balance by openly communicating their needs with their supervisors, proposing flexible work solutions that meet both their needs and the organization’s, and demonstrating how such arrangements can lead to improved performance and satisfaction.

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