How to see your LinkedIn page followers on your company page

Are you gaining some nice followers on your LinkedIn company page? You might want to learn who is following you. Here’s how you can find out.

How to see your LinkedIn page followers on your company page

Nice! You’re getting some nice traction on LinkedIn. Let’s go beyond just the number of followers and check out who is following your LinkedIn Company Page.

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How to see your LinkedIn page followers on your company page

The simple way is to go to your LinkedIn company page, click on your followers and you’ll get your overview.

see your LinkedIn page followers on your company page

Your LinkedIn followers overview

This is how your LinkedIn followers overview looks like (pictures and names of GlobalOwls followers are deleted). From here, you can explore and learn more about who your audience is, where they live, etc. This is very valuable to understand if you’re creating the right content and attracting the right followers to your LinkedIn page.

see linkedin page followers

LinkedIn company page followers drill down

From this overview, you can drill down and learn more about your followers:

  • Where they live;
  • Their job function;
  • Job seniority;
  • The industry they work in;
  • Seize of the company they work at.
see linkedin page followers

Again, this is very valuable to learn and see how it progresses or shifts over time.

I hope this helps. Be sure to check out our article on how to get more LinkedIn followers here and subscribe below to receive more LinkedIn and Digital Marketing tips in your inbox.

Why you should look into your LinkedIn Followers

Why you should look into your LinkedIn Followers

Exploring who follows you on LinkedIn can provide valuable insights and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Here are several reasons why you should pay attention to your LinkedIn followers:

1. Networking Opportunities

Understanding who follows you can help you identify professionals and industry leaders with whom you can connect. These connections can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, or partnerships that might be beneficial for your career.

2. Audience Insights

By analyzing your followers, you can gain a better understanding of the demographic that finds your profile or content appealing. This can help you tailor your posts and updates to better engage your audience, making your content more relevant and impactful.

3. Business Development

For entrepreneurs and business owners, followers on LinkedIn can be potential clients or leads. Knowing who follows you can help you identify leads who might be interested in your products or services, allowing for targeted outreach.

4. Content Strategy Enhancement

By observing the types of professionals that follow you, you can refine your content strategy to better suit your audience. If many of your followers are from a particular industry or hold specific job functions, you might focus your content to address common interests or issues relevant to that group.

5. Reputation Management

Your followers can also include peers and competitors. Keeping track of these followers can help you understand how your personal brand is perceived in the industry. It may also provide insights into market trends and what competitors are doing differently.

6. Feedback and Engagement

Followers who actively engage with your content can offer valuable feedback through their comments and reactions. This engagement can be a source of constructive feedback and ideas, helping you improve your professional offerings and online presence.

7. Personal Branding

By knowing who your audience is, you can better craft your online persona to align with your career goals. Tailoring your profile and updates to appeal to your follower base can strengthen your personal brand and authority in your field.

8. Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

For HR professionals and recruiters, followers might include potential candidates for open positions. You can use your follower base as a talent pool for your recruitment needs, directly reaching out to individuals who might be a good fit for your organization.

9. Influencer Opportunities

If you have a significant number of followers or a highly engaged audience, you might attract opportunities to collaborate as an influencer or thought leader. Companies often look for professionals with a strong following to promote ideas, products, or services.

10. Learning and Growth

Followers can be a source of learning and inspiration. They might share content, ideas, or insights that are new to you, contributing to your professional development and knowledge.

By taking the time to understand who follows you on LinkedIn and why you can leverage this information to enhance your professional life, ensuring that your interactions on the platform are as productive and rewarding as possible.


Q: What are LinkedIn followers and why are they important?

  • LinkedIn followers are individuals who choose to follow your LinkedIn profile or company page. They are important as they represent your audience on the platform, interested in your updates, articles, and professional insights.

Q: How can I increase my number of LinkedIn followers?

  • To increase LinkedIn followers, regularly post valuable and relevant content, engage with your network through comments and messages, participate in groups, and promote your LinkedIn page on other platforms and in your email signature.

Q: What is the difference between LinkedIn connections and followers?

  • LinkedIn connections are mutual – both parties agree to connect, while followers can follow anyone without needing approval. Followers see your updates and articles, but you don’t necessarily see theirs unless you follow back.

Q: Does the number of followers impact your visibility on LinkedIn?

  • Yes, having a higher number of followers can increase your visibility on LinkedIn. Your content has a greater chance of being seen and shared, extending your reach and influence on the platform.

Q: How can businesses use LinkedIn followers to their advantage?

  • Businesses can leverage LinkedIn followers by sharing company news, industry insights, and professional content that showcases their expertise, products, or services, helping to build brand awareness and credibility.

Q: Can LinkedIn followers see private updates or information?

  • Followers can see the updates and content you post publicly on your profile or company page. However, they do not have access to private information unless you are mutually connected.

Q: How does engaging with followers improve your LinkedIn presence?

  • Engaging with your followers through responses to comments, messages, and sharing interactive content fosters a community, increases engagement, and strengthens your professional relationships on LinkedIn.

Q: Should I follow back my LinkedIn followers?

  • It’s not necessary to follow back all your LinkedIn followers, but doing so can be beneficial if their content is relevant to your interests or industry, as it allows for mutual engagement and networking opportunities.

Q: What are LinkedIn follower insights, and how can they be useful?

  • LinkedIn follower insights provide data on who your followers are, their demographics, and how they interact with your content. This information can be valuable for tailoring your content strategy to better engage your audience.

Q: Can I convert LinkedIn followers into customers or clients?

  • Yes, by consistently providing valuable content and building trust, you can convert LinkedIn followers into customers or clients. It’s important to engage authentically and offer solutions that meet their needs and interests.

Q: How important is content quality in attracting LinkedIn followers?

  • Content quality is crucial in attracting and retaining LinkedIn followers. High-quality, relevant, and informative content resonates with your audience, encouraging them to follow for more insights.

Q: Can LinkedIn Ads help in increasing followers?

  • Yes, LinkedIn Ads can be an effective way to increase followers, especially for company pages. Targeted ads can reach a broader audience, introducing your brand or profile to potential new followers.

Q: How does regular posting affect the growth of LinkedIn followers?

  • Regular posting keeps you visible to your network and can attract new followers. Consistency in posting relevant and engaging content helps in building a loyal follower base.

Q: What role do hashtags play in increasing LinkedIn followers?

  • Hashtags can significantly increase the reach of your posts beyond your immediate network, exposing your content to a wider audience who might follow you for more related content.

Q: Should I personalize my LinkedIn invitations to connect?

  • Personalizing LinkedIn invitations can increase the likelihood of connections, who may then choose to follow you. A personalized message can make a strong first impression and establish a basis for future interaction.

Q: Can participating in LinkedIn groups help grow my followers?

  • Actively participating in LinkedIn groups related to your industry can expose you to a wider audience. Providing valuable insights in these groups can lead group members to follow your personal profile or company page.

Q: How can I use LinkedIn analytics to grow my followers?

  • LinkedIn analytics provide insights into what type of content performs well with your audience. Understanding these analytics can help tailor your future posts to attract more followers.

Q: Is it beneficial to engage with other users’ content to increase followers?

  • Engaging with other users’ content through likes, comments, and shares can increase your visibility on the platform, making it more likely that others will notice and follow you.

Q: How does my LinkedIn profile affect my ability to gain followers?

  • A well-crafted LinkedIn profile, with a professional photo, detailed work experience, and compelling summary, can attract more followers by establishing your credibility and professionalism.

Q: Can sharing a variety of content types (articles, videos, etc.) help in gaining more followers?

  • Sharing a variety of content types can appeal to different audience preferences, increasing engagement and the likelihood of gaining followers who find your content approachable and diverse.

Q: How can LinkedIn Stories be used to increase followers?

  • LinkedIn Stories, similar to those on other social platforms, offer a way to share more casual, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your professional life. These can humanize your brand or profile and attract new followers looking for more personal engagement.

Q: What impact does sharing industry news and trends have on follower growth?

  • Sharing industry news and trends positions you as a knowledgeable source in your field, potentially attracting followers who are interested in staying informed and up-to-date through your insights.

Q: Can hosting LinkedIn Live sessions help in gaining followers?

  • Hosting LinkedIn Live sessions can attract followers by offering real-time engagement. These live sessions provide a platform for in-depth discussions, Q&A sessions, and showcasing your expertise.

Q: How does collaborating with other LinkedIn users influence follower growth?

  • Collaborating with other LinkedIn users, such as through joint articles, shared projects, or co-hosted webinars, can expose you to their followers, potentially increasing your own follower count.

Q: What is the role of employee advocacy in increasing LinkedIn page followers?

  • Employee advocacy, where employees share and engage with their company’s LinkedIn content, can significantly increase the reach and follower count of a company page by leveraging the networks of multiple individuals.

Q: How important are recommendations and endorsements in attracting LinkedIn followers?

  • Recommendations and endorsements enhance your credibility on LinkedIn. A profile with strong endorsements for key skills can attract followers who are looking for expertise in those areas.

Q: Should I interact with my followers’ content, and how does this help?

  • Interacting with your followers’ content can foster a sense of community and mutual respect. Engaging with their posts can encourage reciprocity, potentially leading to increased visibility and more followers.

Q: Can organizing polls and surveys on LinkedIn increase engagement and followers?

  • Organizing polls and surveys is an effective way to engage your audience. These interactive posts can spark discussions and attract attention, potentially leading to an increase in followers.

Q: How does a consistent theme or brand voice on LinkedIn affect follower growth?

  • Maintaining a consistent theme or brand voice helps in building a recognizable identity on LinkedIn. Followers are more likely to engage with and follow profiles that have a clear, consistent message.

Q: What are the long-term benefits of actively growing and engaging LinkedIn followers?

  • The long-term benefits include establishing a robust professional network, enhancing brand or personal visibility, creating opportunities for business or career growth, and becoming a thought leader in your industry.

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