A Complete Guide To Setting Up Your Study Space At Home

When working or stuying from home, it’s important to create a space where you can be productive. Check out the tips below.

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Our surrounding has a profound impact on our ability to do something. When it comes to an activity like studying, the amount of focus in demand is not alien to anyone. Irrespective of someone’s will to be diligent and concentrate on the tasks at hand, things might go downhill if certain associated factors are not in the proper place. Given below are a few things to keep in mind while organizing the study space that can help boost your effectiveness.

workspace at home

Prioritize Comfort

Uncomfortable sitting positions interfere with concentration. If you twist and turn to adjust time and again, your productivity will decrease. Your output from your study session will inevitably be affected. Therefore, make sure that your posture remains correct and that you are in absolute comfort with yourself when you sit to study.

However, the comfort level should not reach an extent where it provides you with a conducive environment to recline. Using the bed or couch to study often allures students to lie down and rest in between studying. What starts off as a short break often extends into an irresistible urge to take a long nap, especially if it is a tiring day.

Therefore, to stay motivated to complete your assignments for the day, try to give your study space a professional touch. For that, you must incorporate a chair and a study table. Using the ergonomic chair will also keep your spine erect and reduce the chances of back problems arising from sitting for long hours. You can check out Keekea, a professional table and chair company, and sort through their extensive portfolio to get your hands on the furniture of your choice.

Take Care Of The Lighting

The lighting of your study space will greatly influence your mood. If you sit in a gloomy environment, you will miss out on the motivation to study for long. In a short time, you will find yourself yawning and having a tough time pinning your eyelids apart.

So, make sure that your study space is properly lit. You can visit www.vorlane.com to explore the variety of LED lights available. An LED bulb can be one of the most suitable lighting options for your study room, considering the brightness it imparts in addition to going a long way in saving energy.

You can preferably set up your study space near a window to allow natural lighting of the room during the day. This will reduce the need of switching on the lights on sunny days. Studying in natural light will not only make you feel fresh but will also conserve energy to a great extent.

Stay Organized

Clutter on the desk can invade your focus. Messy rooms and tables often make people uneasy and suck interest out of them to sit there and work. Therefore, never give cleaning and organizing a back seat.

Always stack up your books and notebooks on one side of the table to keep it neat. If you have a shelf, you better place it there. Have a pen stand to keep a few stationery items handy. Other stationery items like extra pens, whiteners, highlighter, geometry box, sticky notes, flashcards, and so on can be put in drawers and specialized chambers close to your study space.

If you are reorganizing your study space, and have a tight budget, then you can order stationery organizers online. However, if you are building a completely new study room for yourself, and are customizing your study table, then you can visit Maxave website to get the best deals on furniture hardware.

Add Your Own Flavour

Personalization increases the sense of belongingness to a place. The more enlivened you feel in a space, the better you tend to work. Therefore, add a tinge of your own taste to the study space. In case, it is being renovated, color the walls as per your choice. If that is not possible, add wall stickers or murals.

A presentable surrounding keeps you high-spirited. You can also stick affirmations on the walls if you can. Add a whiteboard within your reach to carry out quick sums or scribble points you want to memorize. Make schematic notes of concepts you have a hard time memorizing and pin it onto a board or the wall. Seeing them every day will help you process the information better.

Add pictures of your idols, or inspirational quotes. Do whatever you want and can to make the study space a constant reminder of your goal. That will stimulate your will to work hard towards your goal.


Mentioned above are the bare minimums of setting up your study space. You can, however, always identify your preferences and try to incorporate them as and when possible. In addition to these, it is almost needless to say that you must find a place that is free from distractions to facilitate better concentration.

Sounds of the television in the living room or the chitter-chatter of family members or the excited squeaks and screams of children playing outside or the buzzing of your own phone can be quite distracting and annoying at the same time. While it’s not possible to avoid all of them, you must try to find a way around as many distractions as possible to get the most of out of your study sessions.

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