Web Hosting is Good but your Own Server is Better and Here is Why

The confusion between all the available terms is a common thing, and we will try to share some of the insights about the own server and web hosting. If that topic about hosting solutions seems interesting just go on reading and you will get helpful info.


What are the main peculiarities of the web server?

What are the main peculiarities of the web server

The usage of your own server can be compared with the high-tech machine with the help of which you can access the important data whenever it is needed. For the connection to the browser, the trans-coder is utilized.

If giving a general understanding of this term, then a server is a specific machine that can host websites and required tools. With the help of the server, you can manage/store needed information, and also share data.

Here are the most basic types of servers:

  • Database. This type of server is responsible mainly for processing data queries.
  • File. With the help of this type, users can store needed files in the most convenient way.
  • Print. You can share one printer with a couple of machines on the network.

What do you need to know about web hosting?

Web hosting is a service that offers hosting a platform on a server. In this situation, web providers are controlling the process and offer their clients access to a diversity of hosting plans for storage purposes.

The fast hosting solutions give businesses convenient options to launch the website and offer stability and reliability of their functioning.

The main types of web hosting:

  • VPS. This hosting solution offers every user a dedicated space on the same physical server with the best isolation mechanisms to guarantee high security.
  • Cloud hosting. Such solutions are considered to be ideal for scalability reasons. A couple of servers are functioning in the same network so you can be sure that if something goes wrong with one server, the other machines will be available for you.
  • Shared hosting. This solution is suitable for small companies and individual users, because of low pricing and fewer resources that are available. Technically, the resources of one physical server are divided between the users.
  • Dedicated hosting. This is the most expansive hosting solution because one user has entire control over a server.

Why your own server is better than web hosting?

Why your own server is better than web hosting

The main thing that distinguishes the web hosting and web server is the connection method. The server can function via the internet as well as via LAN connection while hosting only works with an internet connection.

Here are a couple of characteristics that make web servers a better option:

  • Relatively cheap options and prices are reasonable.
  • Entire control over all the processes that are connected with setting up and further management of the system.
  • No restrictions about the installation of required tools, changing settings, and even deployment.
  • The highest possible bandwidth that is available on the server.
  • Immediate access to all the system files whenever there is a necessity.
  • Exclusive opportunity to select not only the needed OS but also characteristics of the hardware that are the most appropriate for your case.  
  • Access to the administrations without any restrictions so you have 100 percent control.

Of course, there is no ideal solution. All variants have some benefits and drawbacks so there are also issues that are connected with the web servers as well. Before selecting the web server, you should clearly understand some of the cons of this choice. The major one is the level of responsibility you will have when selecting a web server. All the administrative tasks will be your response so you should have some experience and be prepared to learn more about security and other crucial factors.

One more thing that can be considered as negativity is the necessity for buying licenses and controlling all the required updates for the proper functioning of your server.

Summing up  

As you see, your own server has a lot of benefits that come together with it. The usage of the web server is a unique experience where you are not sharing the resources with other users and that’s why you can host one or a couple of websites without the influence of the functionality. Moreover, there is a diversity of server types such as a print server, mail server, database server, file server, app server, and many more options so that any client can select the needed one.

If we sum up everything that we have just talked about, then the web server is responsible for the running of the platform while hosting makes this platform accessible with the help of web hosting providers.

Understanding the major differences in these terms is crucial so that you can make a better choice for yourself.

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