Various GlobalOwls blog posts2021-08-31T13:57:48+00:00

Various GlobalOwls blog posts

We share Inspirational Stories, Tips on Nonprofit Marketing and how to start a Social Enterprise. Sometimes our stories don’t fit these topics. These are collected here.

Top Project Management Buzzwords You Need to Know

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Top Project Management Buzzwords You Need to Know Communicate easier with colleagues. Learn industry terms, buzzwords and jargon most used in Project Management settings. Check out these top Buzzwords. Project management can seem like a daunting function to get right, and in [...]

How To Make A Meme Video in Under 5 Minutes

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How To Make A Meme Video in Under 5 Minutes Meme videos are a fun way to get a message across, especially in today's fast-paced society. Instead of spending hours upon hours writing wordy essays and leaving your audience bored, make a short video that will be sure [...]

How Social Commerce is Changing Retail

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How Social Commerce is Changing Retail Discover how social media and e-commerce are merging to create a new way of shopping. Join us as we explore the future of shopping through social commerce. Hey there! Are you curious about how social media [...]

10 Email Newsletter Design Ideas to Hook Your Subscribers

Categories: Members, Nonprofit marketing, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

10 Email Newsletter Design Ideas to Hook Your Subscribers Are you looking to improve your Email Marketing Campaigns? Be sure to pay attention to your Email Design. Check out our tips. The email newsletter strategy is still going strong today. As every [...]

Top 12 Amazon Keyword Research Tools [Start for Free]

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Top 12 Amazon Keyword Research Tools [Start for Free] Keywords are fundamental to digital marketing strategies since they allow websites and listings to rank for them. Here are the Top 12 Amazon keyword research tools you need. Keyword research is the main focus when [...]

How to Ensure Your Brand’s Value Proposition Resonates with Site Visitors

Categories: Members, Nonprofit marketing, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How to Ensure Your Brand’s Value Proposition Resonates with Site Visitors You only have a couple of seconds to win site visitors over. How do you ensure your Brand's Value is experienced and felt as quickly as possible? Check out the tips and examples below. [...]

Nonprofit Annual Report Examples that will Inspire you

Categories: Nonprofit marketing, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Nonprofit Annual Report Examples that will Inspire you Great looking Nonprofit Annual Reports build trust by showing existing and potential donors how financial means have been used throughout the year. Check out some cool examples below and make your report stand out. [...]

Elevate Your Brand’s Social Media Presence Without Blowing Your Budget

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Elevate Your Brand’s Social Media Presence Without Blowing Your Budget Do you want to boost your Brand's Social Media Presence? You don't need big budgets for ads or influencer collaborations. Check out how you can get started with a small budget. It [...]

Targeting Featured Snippets Via Organic Marketing [How-To Guide]

Categories: Members, Various GlobalOwls posts|

Targeting Featured Snippets Via Organic Marketing [How-To Guide] Are you looking to increase your Organic Traffic? Check out how to target Featured Snippets and improve your Organic Marketing. Over the years, with the rise of internet capable mobile devices, Google has been [...]

How to Create a Powerful Brand Story

Categories: Members, Nonprofit marketing, Various GlobalOwls posts|

How to Create a Powerful Brand Story With outsiders likely driving conversations about your company, it’s more important than ever to build strong brand messaging that permeates your marketing materials. Does your company have control over its brand? Most organizations make an [...]

Our Top Google Web Stories