Tech 4 Good2021-08-31T13:57:22+00:00

Tech 4 Good

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3 Simple ways you can Prevent Climate Change

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

3 Simple ways you can Prevent Climate Change Want to prevent climate change? These 3 habits are having the most impact on our planet. See how you can help prevent climate change. Do people want to prevent climate change? Of course they [...]

How to easily plant trees and help reverse climate change

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

How to easily plant trees and help reverse climate change When is it the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. Second best time, today! - Chinese proverb. Here are 2 simple ways you can plant trees and help reverse climate change without getting your hands [...]

The Social Enterprise turning Plastic Waste into Currency

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: , |

The Social Enterprise turning Plastic Waste into Currency If plastic would be valuable, people would pick it up. Check out how the Plastic Bank is turning plastic waste into Social Plastic to prevent plastic from entering our oceans. Our Plastic Pollution problem [...]

FreeRice – Donate rice while learning a new skill or language

Categories: Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: |

Donate rice while learning a new skill or language. More than 95 billion grains of rice have been donated. Simply go to, select a topic you'd like to improve your knowledge on, answer questions and donate rice. Read more below. [...]

Ecosia – Plant trees while searching the web

Categories: Sustainability, Tech 4 Good, Various GlobalOwls posts|Tags: |

Plant trees while searching the web - more than 100 million trees already planted Ecosia is a search engine that uses 80% of their revenue to plant trees. Simply use their search engine a few times a day to make an impact. Read more below. [...]

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