Ways Virtual Reality is Revolutionizing Customer Experience

Brands that leverage VR are aligning with customer interests and preferences. It can certainly create realistic shopping experiences, amazing interactions and brand authenticity.

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As years go by, top-notch technologies move closer to man. Earlier on, cutting edge technologies like AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and Artificial intelligence (AI) were only popular in the medical, manufacturing, movie, and security agencies. However, these technologies are now becoming an everyday-thing for people globally.

These immersive technologies are used in a range of fields streaming from marketing, training, gaming, and production to customer service. Within the retail and e-commerce realm, virtual reality specifically has proven to be a reliable tool for many business complexities. Besides enhancing customer experiences, VR is helping companies become smarter.

Many companies that use VR and other innovative technologies are attaining an added advantage from their competitors. Due to their effectiveness, many brands are also adopting them. The latest statistics indicate that the VR market will be worth over $184.6 billion between 2023 and 2028. But what is virtual reality and how does it work?

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) in UX

Virtual reality is a smart technology that ushers users into a digital space. It is a computer-generated simulation and allows users to attain a 360-degree view of any content material. Within this realm, users can interact with the objects as if they are there physically.

Virtual reality works with the help of headsets or goggles which are worn. These allow a user to access the digitized content and also interact with it. Earlier, VR was exorbitantly an expensive technology, but it is now more accessible using apps.

Technological advances are also making VR more enjoyable and a must-try for businesses that want to stay relevant. VR is currently used in many retail aspects and most importantly customer service. But what are some of the ways VR is impacting customer experience?

4 Ways Virtual Reality is Revolutionizing Customer Experience

Like Artificial Intelligence is changing the business realm, VR is facilitating a range of charming possibilities in the businesses and these include;

1. Convenience

Before the COVID-19 era, many consumers perhaps thought that shopping would stay the same. They had to physically access a store or shop online using simple tools. However, not any more. Technologies like AR and VR are altering the way shopping used to be.

With the help of VR, consumers can shop from the convenience of their homes or attain customer support. Consumers today love fast things. Anything that speeds up their experiences is what they adopt. VR is a superior technology that can enhance customer experience.

Right in their homes or offices, shoppers can enter a virtual store and attain the same or superior experience as though shopping physically. They can also use VR on mobile devices or desktops to make purchases. Precisely, shoppers don’t need to first enter a physical store to buy a product, but all this can happen right where they are.

Tip- A business must assess a range of factors before leveraging VR. VR is an expensive technology and requires superior maintenance. With that, a business must follow a well planned change management process to introduce customers to VR. Assess the return on investment and whether it doubles your brand value.

2. Informed Decision Making

There is nothing annoying to shoppers like making a wrong decision when purchasing a product. This is not only disappointing to them, but it also affects business ROI. The more customers make poor purchasing decisions, the more a brand website receives negative reviews and bounce rates.

Good purchase decisions are very important in helping brands retain their customer base. However unlike before where a customer had to enter a physical store to make the best decisions, technologies like VR are currently becoming the answer. Customers can now use VR apps to assess the quality of a product and other aspects for example length and embroidery.

They can also receive excellent customer service right in the comfort of their homes in case a product malfunction for example refrigerators. In this way, customers’ shopping experiences are made interactive and immersive at the same time.

3. Try Before you Buy

One of the best mediums for making quality decisions is product try-ons. Try-on-before-you-buy is associated with a range of benefits. Apart from making online shopping more fulfilling, it tailors customers’ shopping experiences.

Customers can clearly see and try on what they want to buy using VR. More so, they can test products to see how they will look in reality. When it comes to making bulky and expensive purchases such as automobiles, furniture and smartwatches, VR and AR have proven to be an ideal choice in making the best purchases.

Interestingly during the COVID-19 lockdowns, VR was used to create virtual stores and online events that helped brands like BMW offer immersive shopping experiences to buyers. VR helped automobile brands enable customers to test-drive cars and customize them as per their preferences.

Until now, brands like IKEA, and L’Oreal Paris are still leveraging VR to create fabulous customer experiences for their audiences.

4. Timely Customer Service

Timely Customer Service with vr

With the fact that it is becoming more challenging to attract and retain customers, brands can now tap into the power of VR. Virtual reality is a powerful medium of keeping customers happy and satisfied. Besides that, it provides instant solutions to shoppers.

Apart from chatbots, businesses can use VR to offer customer service. For example, in the case of product failure, VR can be leveraged to help customers attain timely assistance. Businesses don’t need to recruit more staff, however, they can invest in VR to offer optimized customer service to their customers. This improves customer experience and positive reviews.

Bottom Line

Virtual reality has made its way in many areas of life. From the entertainment industry, education and now to the retail industry, VR use is expected to grow exponentially. The technology allows users to enjoy meaningful experiences. This works wonders in cultivating lasting impressions on customers. More so, the world is becoming more technologically driven.

Many people are turning to technologies to perform their tasks, make informed decisions and stay up to date. This means that brands that leverage VR are aligning with customer interests and preferences. It can certainly create realistic shopping experiences, amazing interactions and brand authenticity.

All in all, this piece of content details some of the notable ways VR is revolutionizing customer experience and any business owner can have a glimpse of the incredible benefits of VR here.

Author – Jessica Robinson

Jessica Robinson


What is Virtual Reality in Customer Experience?

Virtual Reality in Customer Experience refers to the use of VR technology to create immersive and interactive environments for customers, allowing businesses to showcase products, services, or concepts in a highly engaging and experiential way.

How does VR enhance the customer experience?

VR enhances customer experience by providing immersive simulations of products or environments, allowing customers to explore features, functionalities, and benefits in a lifelike setting. This deepens engagement and aids in decision-making processes.

What industries are benefiting from VR in customer experience?

Numerous industries benefit from VR, including retail, real estate, education, healthcare, automotive, and tourism. Each uses VR to offer customers unique experiences, from virtual try-ons and property tours to interactive educational content and virtual travel.

How can VR improve online shopping experiences?

VR can transform online shopping by allowing customers to virtually try on clothing, explore 3D models of products, or navigate through virtual stores, making the shopping experience more interactive, personalized, and informative.

What role does VR play in product demonstrations?

VR plays a pivotal role in product demonstrations by allowing customers to experience and interact with products in a virtual environment. This is particularly useful for items that are large, complex, or not easily accessible.

Can VR be used for customer service and support?

Yes, VR can be used for customer service and support by creating virtual help desks where customers can interact with representatives in a more engaging and personal way, or through virtual tutorials and guides to troubleshoot issues.

How does VR contribute to brand storytelling?

VR contributes to brand storytelling by creating immersive narratives that customers can experience firsthand. This allows brands to convey their values, mission, and the lifestyle they promote in a compelling and memorable way.

What are the challenges of implementing VR in customer experience?

Challenges include the high cost of VR technology, the need for customer access to VR devices, potential technical issues, and ensuring the VR content is accessible and easy to navigate for all users.

How can businesses measure the impact of VR on customer experience?

Businesses can measure the impact of VR on customer experience through customer feedback, engagement metrics, conversion rates, and by analyzing how VR experiences influence customer behavior and satisfaction.

What is the future of VR in customer experience?

The future of VR in customer experience looks promising, with advancements in technology making VR more accessible and affordable. We can expect more personalized and interactive VR experiences, greater integration with AI for customized experiences, and broader adoption across industries.

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