7 Types of Videos Every Nonprofit Needs in 2024

Are you looking to boost your Nonprofit donations? Good videos can help you tell your story and get people involved. See how to get started.

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Working with our first nonprofit client was a new, sobering experience. Our approach had to change due to the unique requirements of nonprofit projects.

Over the years we have worked on quite a few video projects for the nonprofit. We are glad we had the opportunity.

We are sharing our experience of what works, what doesn’t, and what types of video content to deploy to attract attention, boost credibility, and encourage participation from supporters.

Let’s get started.

1. Organization (Who We Are) Video

Before you expect anything from the audience, whether it’s their support in any way or commitment to a cause, you need to first introduce ‘who you are’ and ‘what you stand for.’

The organization video is a lot like the ‘About Us’ page of a website. The nonprofit must describe its philosophy, its vision, and its mission.

Through the organization video, nonprofits put forward their case for support. Plus, since it’s the first time which is also the best time to make an impression, make sure the tone of the video is compelling and authoritative.

Creating a high-quality, professional video would help. But you don’t have to spend a lot on its making. Nowadays, with basic video assets like a free video editor, Premiere Pro presets, free stock clips, and a smartphone, nonprofit organizations can create a compelling ‘who we are’ video.

Keep the video short, ideally, less than 3 minutes, to hold the viewer’s attention until the end. At the end of the video, include a compelling call-to-action (CTA) to encourage the audience to learn more about the organization.

Nonprofit video

2. Explainer (What We Do) Video

After arousing the interest of your audience with the introduction video, you need to satisfy their curiosity for more information with an explainer video. This is for the audience interested in knowing the specifics of your nonprofit’s work.

Educate the audience about what you do and to some extent how you do your work. Empathy, service mentality, and passion are critical characteristics of all nonprofits. Hence, let these three qualities shine through your explainer videos.

Through the explainer videos, showcase the changes on the ground that is the direct and indirect results of the organization’s efforts.

Nonprofits can create more than one video. Hence, keep the videos short and concise, the maximum length not exceeding more than 3 minutes.

To keep the audience interested in these videos, consider using a mix of live-action and animation formats. Include the explainer ‘what we do’ videos on the website, social media, or send them directly to the audience’s inbox.

3. Campaign (How You Can Help) Video

Campaign videos are the lifeblood of a nonprofit. Most nonprofits are in constant need of funds, volunteers, or use videos to further their mission. Campaign videos can be used to highlight the projects that require funds or volunteers.

Most videos in this category don’t directly ask for donations. They instill a sense of social responsibility in the viewers and urge them to do their part in the success of the project.

These videos need to be short (around 2-3 minutes) and end with a compelling call to action. The CTA can take any form. With the help of a QR code generator, you can add a donate QR code to the video. This will cut down the steps from the video to donation.

Nonprofits can use campaign videos to attract small donors. They would need a more personal and direct approach for large donors.

To make the content compelling, the campaign videos must contain the following ingredients:

  • A clear, specific goal; in no uncertain terms state what you expect from the viewers.
  • The request must satisfy a specific need. Don’t forget to state how the viewer’s contribution will help the project.
  •  Create a sense of urgency by specifying a time limit within which the viewers need to take action.

4. Behind-the-Scenes (Meet the Team) Video

This type of nonprofit video takes a personal look at the team – the people behind the scenes involved with the actual functioning of the organization.

Nonprofits work to make the world a better place for people now and the future generation. Serving humanity and nature is serious work, but it could also be a fun, enjoyable, and life-changing experience for everyone involved.

The feeling of joy, camaraderie, and satisfaction emanating from behind-the-scene videos can be infectious to the viewers.

The behind-the-scenes videos are not only about fun, such content also showcases the contribution, commitment, and dedication of the people in the organization.

There could be more than one behind-the-scenes video and the lengths could also vary. If the video is a long one, ensure it is optimized to improve the load time of the video and webpage where the content is published.

5. Testimonial (What Is My Impact) Video

Before a person commits to a nonprofit as a donor, volunteer, or in any other capacity, he/she must believe they belong to the setup.

The testimonial videos go a long way in highlighting the culture of the organization. These videos give a glimpse of people and the real action on the ground.

The ‘what’s my impact’ videos have a greater effect on the audience than any other type of nonprofit video. These videos reveal what the people who have volunteered believe and how they behave.

Watching these videos, the viewers might realize they are no different from the volunteers and donors who are making a difference. This realization might encourage the viewers to associate with the nonprofit in some capacity. Because these videos are so important, consider working with a video production startup to help you achieve the exact results you want.

Authenticity is a key ingredient in testimonial videos. There is practically no creative input as the videos show people as they are, their role, work, thought process, and behavior.

Since the ‘what’s my impact’ videos play a big role in attracting like-minded people to a cause they become an indispensable part of an effective nonprofit content strategy.

6. Celebration (Thanking the Supporter) Video

The donors, volunteers, and supporters of a cause are the fuel that power nonprofits. They deserve to know what their involvement with the organization has achieved. These videos are a celebration of the supporters.

The content can show what common people can achieve when they decide to take action. Plus, ‘thank you’ and ‘celebration’ videos also help nonprofits stay in regular touch with well-wishers.

These videos help strengthen the supporter’s commitment because they see the impact of the nonprofit’s work on the ground. These videos can also serve as a base for gathering support for future missions and projects.

Nonprofits can market celebration and thank you videos on the website and social media. That said to develop a long-term relationship with supporters send these videos to their inbox using email newsletter software.

7. Origin (How We Started) Story Video

The origin story that showcases the necessity that gave birth to the nonprofit organization is as compelling as the story of a startup. Marketers won’t find more inspiring and engaging content than an origin story video.

The origin story video will not just inspire, it’ll endear the audience to your organization. It’ll make them want to be part of an inspiring story and the organization that makes a difference in society.

Your origin story could be a great attraction on social media. That said marketers can also include them on the nonprofit’s ‘About Us’ page.

Final Thoughts

Marketing a nonprofit organization is a challenge. Nonprofits heavily rely on messaging and storytelling to achieve their goals. The 7 types of video content in our list are best suited to create awareness, raise funds, encourage memberships, and drive social change.

Author bio:

Cristian StanciuCristian Stanciu is a freelance video editor, owner and post-production coordinator of Veedyou Media – a company offering video editing services to videographers, marketing agencies, video production studios or brands all over the globe. I can catch up with him on his blog or on LinkedIn


What Are the Common Types of Videos Used by Nonprofits?

Common types include impact stories, donor thank-you videos, event highlights, volunteer testimonials, educational content, advocacy or awareness campaigns, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

How Can Impact Story Videos Benefit Nonprofits?

Impact story videos showcase the real-life effects of the nonprofit’s work, helping viewers see the tangible results of their support and fostering emotional connections to the cause.

Why Are Donor Thank-You Videos Important?

Donor thank-you videos offer a personal and heartfelt way to express gratitude, helping to strengthen relationships with donors and encouraging ongoing support.

What is the Purpose of Event Highlight Videos for Nonprofits?

Event highlight videos capture the key moments and atmosphere of nonprofit events, helping to share the experience with a wider audience and build excitement for future events.

How Can Nonprofit Educational Videos Be Utilized?

Educational videos can be used to inform the public about the nonprofit’s cause, share knowledge related to their mission, and engage the community in meaningful ways.

What Role Do Volunteer Testimonial Videos Play?

Volunteer testimonial videos provide authentic insights into the volunteering experience, serving as a powerful tool for volunteer recruitment and engagement.

How Can Advocacy or Awareness Campaign Videos Amplify a Nonprofit’s Message?

These videos can effectively spread awareness, mobilize supporters, and drive action towards a cause by compellingly presenting issues and calls to action.

Why Include Behind-the-Scenes Videos in a Nonprofit’s Video Strategy?

Behind-the-scenes videos offer transparency and foster trust by showing the hard work and dedication that goes into the nonprofit’s initiatives, making the organization more relatable.

Can Nonprofits Use Animation and Motion Graphics in Their Videos?

Yes, animation and motion graphics can be used to explain complex topics, add visual interest, and create engaging and memorable content that stands out.

What Are the Best Practices for Nonprofit Video Production and Distribution?

Best practices include defining clear objectives, understanding the target audience, ensuring high production quality, and strategically distributing videos across various platforms for maximum reach.

How Effective Are Fundraising Videos for Nonprofits?

Fundraising videos can be highly effective by emotionally engaging viewers and clearly illustrating the need for support, thereby encouraging donations.

What is the Role of Live Streaming in Nonprofit Video Strategy?

Live streaming allows nonprofits to connect with their audience in real-time, making it ideal for events, announcements, and interactive Q&A sessions, enhancing engagement and transparency.

How Can Nonprofits Use Interview-Style Videos?

Interview-style videos featuring staff, beneficiaries, or experts can provide credibility, share personal stories, and offer in-depth insights into the nonprofit’s work and impact.

Why Are Call-to-Action Videos Important for Nonprofits?

Call-to-action videos are crucial for driving viewers to take specific steps, such as donating, volunteering, or sharing information, effectively mobilizing support for the cause.

Can Nonprofits Use Video Series for Extended Storytelling?

A video series allows for extended storytelling, enabling nonprofits to delve deeper into various aspects of their work, share ongoing stories, and keep the audience engaged over time.

What Considerations Should Nonprofits Keep in Mind for Video Accessibility?

Ensure videos are accessible by including subtitles or closed captions, providing audio descriptions, and considering diverse audience needs in the video’s design and content.

How Can Short-Form Videos Be Utilized by Nonprofits?

Short-form videos, like those on social media platforms, can capture attention quickly, making them suitable for awareness campaigns, brief updates, or calls to action.

What Tips Can Enhance the Impact of Nonprofit Videos?

Enhance impact by telling compelling stories, maintaining high production quality, keeping the content focused and clear, and aligning it with the organization’s branding and goals.

How Can Nonprofits Measure the Success of Their Video Content?

Measure success by tracking engagement metrics such as views, likes, shares, comments, and conversion rates, as well as feedback from the audience.

What Are the Benefits of Using User-Generated Video Content for Nonprofits?

User-generated content can add authenticity, diversify the perspectives presented, and increase community engagement by involving supporters directly in content creation.

How Can Nonprofits Use Video Content for Volunteer Training?

Videos for volunteer training can effectively convey procedures, share best practices, and provide a consistent and engaging training experience for new and existing volunteers.

What Is the Significance of ‘Day in the Life’ Videos for Nonprofits?

‘Day in the Life’ videos give viewers an intimate glimpse into the daily operations of the nonprofit or the everyday impact on beneficiaries, fostering a deeper understanding and connection.

How Can Nonprofits Incorporate User Stories or Testimonials in Videos?

Incorporating user stories or testimonials in videos can powerfully illustrate the human impact of the nonprofit’s work, lending credibility and emotionally resonating with viewers.

Can Nonprofits Use Video Content for Board Member or Staff Introductions?

Yes, introduction videos for board members or staff can personalize the organization, build trust, and strengthen the connection between the audience and the nonprofit.

How Effective Are ‘Thank You’ Videos in Donor Stewardship for Nonprofits?

‘Thank You’ videos are highly effective in donor stewardship, as they offer a personal and heartfelt way of expressing gratitude, enhancing donor satisfaction and loyalty.

What Are the Advantages of Using Explainer Videos in Nonprofit Communication?

Explainer videos can simplify complex topics related to the nonprofit’s cause, making the information more accessible and engaging for a broader audience.

How Can Nonprofits Utilize Video Content in Email Campaigns?

Incorporating videos in email campaigns can significantly increase engagement rates, as videos are more likely to capture attention and convey messages effectively.

What Role Do Documentary-Style Videos Play in Nonprofit Storytelling?

Documentary-style videos can provide an in-depth look at the nonprofit’s cause, challenges, and successes, offering a compelling and authentic narrative to viewers.

Can Nonprofits Use Video Content for Advocacy and Public Awareness Campaigns?

Yes, videos are powerful tools for advocacy and public awareness, as they can emotionally engage viewers, present compelling narratives, and motivate action.

How Important Is Consistency in Branding and Messaging in Nonprofit Videos?

Consistency in branding and messaging across all videos reinforces the nonprofit’s identity, strengthens brand recognition, and ensures a cohesive message to the audience.

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