Various GlobalOwls blog posts
We share Inspirational Stories, Tips on Nonprofit Marketing and how to start a Social Enterprise. Sometimes our stories don’t fit these topics. These are collected here.
Text Fundraising: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Campaign
Text Fundraising: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Campaign Reach your donors where they already are - their mobile phones. Read this guide to learn more about text fundraising and the top do’s and don’ts to follow. In 1992, the first text [...]
How To Achieve Sustainable Growth For Your Business
How To Achieve Sustainable Growth For Your Business How does one achieve sustainable growth? We focus on strategy, utilize the power of Growth Hacking for high tempo testing, focus on reducing churn and on the people that matter most. I know you've [...]
10 Companies with Strong Senior Women Leaders
10 Companies with Strong Senior Women Leaders Strong women in leadership works! Get inspired by these 10 women fulfilling their leadership roles in corporate companies and share your thoughts. “If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, [...]
How to Find the Ideal Name for Your Business
How to Find the Ideal Name for Your Business Are you looking to start a business, then having a great name is a must for sure. Check out the tips below for finding an ideal business name. One question we usually get [...]
100 Solutions to Climate Change [Ranked]
100 solutions to Climate Change [Ranked] Graphics, video and book. Let's get started! What if you were to rank 100 solutions to climate change? What would you expect to be the top 10? Reducing meat consumption? Solar? Isolating our existing buildings? Let [...]
Top Women Empowerment Quotes From Strong Women
Top Women Empowerment Quotes From Strong Women Top Women Empowerment Quotes From Women who speak up and make a change. "I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own." —Audre Lorde [...]
How to Evaluate Your Brand’s Value Proposition with Real People in Minutes
How to Evaluate Your Brand’s Value Proposition with Real People in Minutes Are you looking to build your brand? Invest in a strong Brand Value Proposition. Don't simply guess if people will love it. Test it with real people in minutes. A [...]
New Strategies to Acquire B2B Leads
New Strategies to Acquire B2B Leads Want to build an effective pipeline for your B2B business? Check out these new strategies of acquiring B2B leads. A lead is not just a likely random customer. It is the one just a step from you. [...]
How to use Schema Markup [Newbie Friendly Guide]
How to use Schema Markup [Newbie Friendly Guide] What is Schema Markup, why should you use it and how can it help you boost your SEO efforts? Check out this [Newbie Friendly Guide] and get started with structured data. SEO is complicated. There [...]
Effective Ways to Use Social Media for Your Business
Effective Ways to Use Social Media for Your Business Do you want to grow your business? Create a Social Media Strategy that fits the size of your company and talents. See how to get started. Using social media is a favorite activity [...]