What I Wish I’d Known Before I Went Into Freelancing

To be a successful freelancer, you need to take it one step at a time. Be disciplined and flexible. Doing this will not only raise your standard before you know it, but you’ll be landing notable high-paying clients while also developing your personal skills and bank account.

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Freelancing is undoubtedly a good way to develop a firm set of life-changing skills while also making loads of cash. You should, however, know that it does come with its own share of challenges, and some of these challenges can be avoided if you are given some heads-up. Freelancers who started on their own and built themselves didn’t have this privilege, so if you are just starting out freelancing (or you got plans to), here are a few things you should know to help you keep your head above water at all times.

1. Find an Office Space

If you are going into freelancing full-time, you will need to get the right workspace. Other than the fact that working at home can sometimes be distracting, having an office space will make you look more professional. You need a space that can absorb any background noise, especially if you live in a major city like New York. It does not necessarily have to be a big or stylish office, just something simple and comfortable enough for your needs. There are offices for rent in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, San Francisco, and Los Angeles that will help you focus on your work without getting interrupted.

2. Do Not Quit Your Daily Job (Yet)

Do Not Quit Your Daily Job Yet

If you are transiting from a day job to freelance, one thing you need to know is that it is a bad idea to quit while you are still trying to navigate the freelance world. Freelancing is a lucrative business. You’re now the boss of yourself, you set your work hours, and you pay yourself. But as a newbie, the journey might not be as smooth for the first few months. So it is always better to continue your day job while freelancing on the side until you find your feet. When you eventually have high-paying clients on retainer, and you earn at least four times what your day job pays you, you can tender your resignation letter.

3. Know Your Worth

As a newbie freelancer, it might be difficult determining how much to charge for projects, especially since you don’t want to seem too expensive or too cheap. One way to ensure you are not charging more than the service you’re offering, and you’re not getting underpaid is to know your worth. Evaluate the financial result of the work you do. How much do you make for your client? Use that evaluation to set your rates, and as you develop your skillset, you can increase your rates.

4. Manage Your Finances Judiciously

As a freelancer, you are responsible for managing your finances, and that includes tracking your income and expenses, setting rates, and handling taxes. You need to, however, understand that there are times when you will get multiple jobs, and other times you won’t get anything at all. You must learn to create a financial balance between these times, so you don’t go broke when there are no jobs. Always make it a matter of necessity to save for rainy days.

5. Time is Money

Freelancing requires that you have to juggle multiple clients and projects simultaneously, so you have to learn time management skills. As your own boss, you can perform activities whenever you like without anyone breathing down your neck. But don’t forget that there is an agreement with your client and they don’t want to get disappointed. Therefore you must learn how to prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and allocate your time effectively.

6. Sell Yourself

It might be challenging to find clients in the first few months of freelancing because, most of the time, nobody wants to hire an inexperienced freelancer. However, you can fast-track your progress by selling yourself and your services effectively to find clients. Do this by building a website, creating a portfolio, networking with other professionals in your field, and joining freelance platforms.

7. Stay Disciplined

It is quite hard to stay disciplined at work when you do not have a boss or supervisor to hold you accountable. As someone venturing into freelancing for the first time, you need to be highly disciplined if you want to succeed. You must learn to set your own goals and work towards them independently. You also have to learn how to communicate effectively with prospective clients, whether through phone calls, emails, or physical meetings.

8. Be Adaptable

Adaptability is one trait every newbie freelancer should possess. You should be able to adapt to changing circumstances and clients’ needs. You might want to specify a particular niche in your field, but isn’t it better to try out different aspects before focusing on one? Be willing to learn new skills and technologies and be flexible in terms of work hours and location.


To be a successful freelancer, you need to take it one step at a time. Be disciplined and flexible. Doing this will not only raise your standard before you know it, but you’ll be landing notable high-paying clients while also developing your personal skills and bank account.


What is freelancing, and why might someone consider pursuing it as a career?

Freelancing is a self-employed career path where individuals offer their skills or services to clients on a project basis, rather than being employed by a single company. Someone might consider freelancing for the flexibility it offers, the opportunity to work on diverse projects, and the potential for higher earnings compared to traditional employment.

What are the key skills and traits that successful freelancers possess?

Successful freelancers possess a combination of technical skills related to their specific industry or profession, such as graphic design or programming, as well as soft skills like communication, time management, self-discipline, and adaptability. They are also proactive in seeking out opportunities, building relationships with clients, and managing their finances effectively.

What steps should someone take to prepare for freelancing as a career?

To prepare for freelancing as a career, someone should assess their skills and expertise, build a portfolio showcasing their work, establish a strong online presence through a professional website or social media profiles, network with potential clients or colleagues in their industry, set up a dedicated workspace, and create a business plan outlining their services, pricing, and target market.

What are some common challenges that freelancers face, and how can they overcome them?

Common challenges that freelancers face include irregular income, difficulty in finding and retaining clients, managing multiple projects simultaneously, and dealing with isolation or burnout. Freelancers can overcome these challenges by setting realistic financial goals, diversifying their client base, creating systems for project management and time tracking, and prioritizing self-care and work-life balance.

How can freelancers determine their pricing and negotiate rates with clients?

Freelancers can determine their pricing by considering factors such as their skill level, industry benchmarks, the complexity of the project, and the client’s budget and expectations. When negotiating rates with clients, freelancers should emphasize the value they provide, highlight their expertise and track record of delivering results, and be prepared to justify their pricing based on the scope of work and deliverables.

What legal and administrative considerations should freelancers be aware of before starting their business?

Before starting their freelance business, freelancers should consider legal and administrative aspects such as registering their business name, obtaining any necessary licenses or permits, setting up a separate bank account for business finances, keeping detailed records of income and expenses for tax purposes, and understanding their rights and responsibilities as independent contractors.

How important is networking for freelancers, and what are some effective ways to build and maintain professional relationships?

Networking is crucial for freelancers to build a client base, find new opportunities, and establish credibility in their industry. Effective ways to network include attending industry events and conferences, joining professional organizations or online communities, reaching out to former colleagues or clients for referrals, and leveraging social media platforms to connect with potential clients and collaborators.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of freelancing compared to traditional employment?

The benefits of freelancing include flexibility in work hours and location, the ability to choose projects that align with one’s interests and skills, and the potential for higher earning potential. However, freelancing also comes with challenges such as inconsistent income, the need to manage all aspects of the business, and the lack of benefits like health insurance and retirement plans provided by employers.

How can freelancers manage their finances effectively and plan for long-term financial stability?

Freelancers can manage their finances effectively by setting aside a portion of their income for taxes and business expenses, creating a budget to track income and expenses, establishing an emergency fund for unexpected expenses or lean periods, and investing in retirement savings accounts such as IRAs or solo 401(k)s to plan for long-term financial security.

What resources and support networks are available to freelancers to help them succeed in their careers?

Freelancers can access resources and support networks such as online communities, forums, and social media groups specific to their industry or profession, professional associations or trade organizations offering networking opportunities and educational resources, freelance marketplaces and job boards for finding project opportunities, and online courses or workshops to develop new skills or expand their knowledge.

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