Crowdfunding Videos: 7 Ways They Will Help Your Nonprofit Campaigns

Incorporating crowdfunding videos into your nonprofit campaigns can provide a multitude of benefits. They can visualize missions enticingly, evoke emotions, and build trust more effectively than written content and still images.

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The role of content is vital in a crowdfunding campaign. While written appeals and social media posts are compelling, adding crowdfunding videos to your campaigns can take your nonprofit’s outreach efforts to the next level. 

Crowdfunding videos become one of the most appealing forms of content to capture supporters. They have the power to attract, engage, and influence audiences through quality visuals and story-driven content.

Better still, crowdfunding videos effectively deliver messages, build credibility, and evoke emotional connection. Let’s delve deeper into the topic. We’ve curated the seven ways crowdfunding videos can help enhance your nonprofit campaigns. Keep reading!

In this article

What are Crowdfunding Videos?

What are Crowdfunding Videos

A crowdfunding video is a short video created by a nonprofit organization to promote and support its fundraising efforts through online crowdfunding platforms. It typically highlights the organization’s mission, showcases the impact of its work, and makes a compelling case for why viewers should contribute to their cause.

Compared to other content formats, videos have significant advantages. They have the power to engage viewers on an emotional level by visually and audibly conveying your organization’s message. Moreover, they are shareable across crowdfunding platforms, increasing the reach and exposure of your campaign.

In terms of style, crowdfunding videos can be animations, live-action, or a combination of both. Also, they include a clear call-to-action, prompting viewers to donate, share the video, or get involved in other ways.

7 Ways Crowdfunding Videos Can Help Nonprofit Campaigns

In a digitized society, the human attention span is getting shorter. Implementing videos is the most suitable way to present your campaign purpose and engage with audiences at a deeper level.

However, the big question is: how can crowdfunding videos help your campaign generate the desired results? From visualizing your missions to expanding audience reach, we’ve gathered the seven ways crowdfunding videos benefit nonprofit organizations.

#1. Visualize Missions Enticingly

Crowdfunding videos give nonprofit organizations a powerful medium to showcase their missions. Visual elements like footage of their projects, beneficiaries, or the communities they serve can paint a vivid picture of their mission and impact. 

You can still add other visual elements, such as illustrations, graphics, and typography, according to your needs and preference. They can visualize the knowledge you want to communicate to audiences.

With epic cinematography, motion graphics, or other visual aspects, nonprofit organizations can deliver their message enticingly. Along with high-quality visuals, they can add voiceover to add story and engage audiences. 

By bringing their work to life through videos, organizations can help audiences understand their missions better. More importantly, videos can help them enhance their nonprofit marketing strategy.

#2. Evoke Emotions and Build Trust

Evoke Emotions and Build Trust with Crowdfunding Videos

Emotional appeal is crucial in inspiring action and support for nonprofit organizations. Crowdfunding videos can evoke emotions through powerful storytelling, uplifting stories of transformation, or showcasing challenges. 

These videos can create a deeper connection with the audience, generating empathy and a sense of urgency to get involved. Additionally, crowdfunding videos demonstrate transparency and authenticity to build trust with potential donors, showcasing the genuine impact of their work and fostering credibility.

#3. Include Real Footage

One of the most impactful elements of crowdfunding videos is the use of actual footage. Incorporating authentic and genuine footage of the organization’s projects and events provides a firsthand glimpse into the organization’s work. 

Actual footage adds authenticity and credibility to the organization, allowing viewers to witness the impact tangibly. Most importantly, potential donors can see the reality of the organization’s efforts, creating a stronger emotional connection and reinforcing the importance of supporting the cause.

#4. Shareable Across Platforms

With the rise of social media, videos are versatile content to be incorporated into various platforms. In fact, you can share crowdfunding videos on social media, websites, and email campaigns.

Besides, nonprofit organizations can leverage crowdfunding videos to engage new and existing supporters. They can also leverage this opportunity to ask their supporters to share the video with their offline and online networks

By making the video easily shareable, nonprofits can significantly increase the reach and exposure of their campaigns. This broader distribution can increase visibility, attracting new supporters, donors, and potential partners to the organization’s cause.

#5. Boost SEO and Page Rank

Crowdfunding videos can positively impact nonprofit organizations’ search engine optimization (SEO) and page rank. It’s because search engines like Google prioritize websites with rich, engaging content, including videos. 

By embedding crowdfunding videos on their websites, organizations can enhance the user experience and increase the time visitors spend on their sites. The same case will also happen to their social media and crowdfunding platforms.

Additionally, viewers can share, link to, and comment on, contributing to increased traffic and organic backlinks. Therefore, the organization’s visibility and engagement will increase along with its page rank and online presence, making it easier for potential supporters to discover their campaigns and contribute to their cause.

#6. Increase Conversion Rates

Nonprofit organizations need compelling content to achieve their goals. And crowdfunding videos have the potential to increase conversion rates significantly compared to other types of content.

A well-crafted video can inspire viewers to take the desired action immediately. The combination of compelling visuals, storytelling, and emotional appeal in crowdfunding videos can create a sense of urgency and motivation for viewers to make a donation. 

Moreover, adding a clear call-to-actions helps organizations to capture more participants. By leveraging the persuasive power of videos, nonprofits can drive more conversions, turning viewers into donors and supporters.

#7. Build Brand Awareness

Videos are powerful for building brand awareness, including for nonprofit organizations. Through videos, nonprofits can effectively showcase their unique identity, values, and mission to a mass audience.

For example, incorporating branding elements such as logos, colors, and messaging can strengthen brand recognition and visibility over time. When viewers resonate with the content and message of the video, they are more likely to remember the organization and its cause. 

Additionally, when crowdfunding videos are shared and circulated online, they can help expand the reach and awareness of the organization’s brand. Organizations can attract new supporters and donors who align with their mission.


Incorporating crowdfunding videos into your nonprofit campaigns can provide a multitude of benefits. They can visualize missions enticingly, evoke emotions, and build trust more effectively than written content and still images. 

You can offer an authentic glimpse into your organization’s work by including actual footage. Additionally, crowdfunding videos are shareable across platforms, boosting your campaign’s reach, and can even improve your SEO and page rank. 

Most importantly, these videos can increase conversion rates and help build brand awareness. They ultimately drive fundraising success and expand your organization’s impact to a mass audience.

Author Bio

Andre Oentoro Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro


Instagram: andre_oentoro

Twitter: andreoen

Facebook: Andre Oentoro

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