5 Tips and Trends for Nonprofit Marketing Strategy

A Nonprofit Organization is different than a for-profit organization. Check out these 5 trends that can shape your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy.

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Marketing is one of the most challenging aspects of running a nonprofit organization. 

As with traditional businesses, the success of a nonprofit marketing strategy depends on analyzing market trends and using this knowledge to create a sustainable strategy that encompasses the entire organization. 

In this blog post, we will explore some of the latest industry trends and tips for nonprofit marketing that will help your organization thrive in the coming years. 

Before we discuss the strategies for nonprofit marketing, let’s discuss the challenges: 

The challenges faced by nonprofit organizations

Nonprofit organizations face a number of unique challenges when developing their marketing strategies. 

  • They must balance the need to raise more money while adhering to strict regulations when it comes to donor solicitations and advertising. 
  • They must often develop strategies for appealing to donors without alienating potential supporters with irrelevant messages. 
  • As nonprofit organizations often have smaller marketing budgets than traditional businesses, it can be difficult to remain competitive and develop an effective marketing strategy. 
  • The motivation to carry on when the response and support is low. 

Despite these challenges, there are many ways that nonprofit organizations can thrive. The key is to incorporate the following budget-friendly marketing trends into their strategies. 

Strategies for nonprofit marketing 

Strategies for nonprofit marketing

Nonprofit marketing is similar to traditional marketing. The only difference is that the marketing budgets in nonprofits are usually much lower. Let’s discuss the strategies:

Read: Digital Nonprofit Marketing Strategy Guide

Social media marketing

Planning and building a social media marketing strategy is all the more essential for nonprofit organizations (since they have a lower budget). Here are the steps for building a social media strategy:

  1. Identify the target audience: Which age group is likely to donate to your organization? What are their demographics? How do they feel about your philosophy?
  2. Define objectives: Do you want to create awareness? Do you want to raise funds? Do you want people to act in a certain way?
  3. Choose the right platform: Which platform is used most by your target audience? Which social media channel gives the highest Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)?
  4. Create ads: What message do you want to get across through your advertisement? Is your target audience receptive to ads? What call-to-actions (CTAs) do you want those ads to have?
  5. Measure the ad performance: What’s the engagement rate, click-through rate, etc?

Learn more tips by Creatopy for social media marketing. It allows you to read about the types of ads for different social media platforms: For Instagram, it talks about image ads, video ads in the feed, carousel ads, stories ads, reels ads, shopping ads, collection ads and explore ads. Similarly, the guide explains the types of ads for Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter and Snapchat. 

Tip: The platform you choose will depend on your organization’s budget and your target audience. 

Video marketing

video marketing strategies for nonprofit

A compelling message that evokes emotions is bound to leave a lasting impact on the viewers. People remember heart-touching stories. Once they start feeling empathy, they’ll become loyal to your cause. This means they’ll support your cause financially or morally. The latter means they’ll spread the word to other people, who might also become supporters of your cause.  

To ensure your marketing videos are impactful, you need to make your videos accessible to everyone. 

For instance, videos with subtitles can cater to people with hearing impairments. Similarly, subtitles help to get your message across to people who speak different languages. 

By automatically generating subtitles for videos, your message can reach the maximum audience. Before clicking on videos, some people read the text that’s written in the thumbnail. If the subtitle is catchy enough, it compels the person to open the video. So, subtitles also help in increasing the click rate on your videos. 

When creating videos, remember to include human elements in them. For instance, include the work done by volunteers when your nonprofit organization conducts a community service event. 

Tip: Send out a powerful message across in the first 15 seconds of the video or create a hook that compels your audience to watch the video till the very end (as this increases brand retention). 

Public Speaking

Nonprofit organizations work for a positive cause. They want to improve the lives of people. Bring change. Create impact. This is similar to the aim of public speakers. They motivate people to create an impact. So, if your organization does impactful work which is then crafted into a powerful story by public speakers, your message will spread across faster. 

People will support the mission if they believe in it. 

There is no better way to convince people than through impactful public speakers. Using this strategy, the support and funding for your nonprofit organization can surely increase. 

Tip: People like supporting a good cause. Reach out to motivational speakers and comedians. Many of them will be happy to mention your organization in their speeches free of cost. 

Nonprofit fundraising

fundraising strategies for nonprofit

Nonprofit organizations survive if they receive enough donations. Setting up fundraising stalls on events at various locations also helps in marketing. 

These fundraising events can be marketed on social media, email and on websites.

People attending those events can join in to have a chat and learn more about the nonprofit organization. 

Mentioning the organization’s name at virtual events has the added advantage that visitors can immediately search for the nonprofit organization online and gauge their charitable efforts. Other than reaching out to a newer audience, these fundraising events serve as a reminder to existing donors to keep supporting the cause. 

Email marketing

Emails can be effective in sending the message across as they are personal and direct. The clickthrough rate of emails sent by nonprofit organizations is high especially if:

  • The person has engaged with your brand beforehand. 
  • The target audience is above the age of 35. 

Email marketing entails sending out regular updates on the activities conducted by your organization and how those activities had a positive impact on the community

Tip: Set up a bi-weekly newsletter that sends out content to the target audience regularly. Create content in advance and use automation to send regular content to the audience so that your organization’s name remains fresh in their minds. 


A nonprofit organization needs to have an updated website. Whenever someone hears about your organization and wants to research more, the website is the first place that they’ll go to. A digital presence is essential nowadays, even if the nonprofit company is relatively small. 

A website helps serve the following purposes: 

  • It establishes credibility 
  • It helps showcase what projects you’re working on 
  • It demonstrates the impact that people can create if they support your organization
  • It can have a blog section for story-telling and how people benefit from the charity. 

Having and maintaining an effective blog section on the website requires dedicated resources, so due to budget constraints maintaining it is difficult. However, creating a website has a one-time cost. 

Tip: Create the website on WordPress, as it makes updating the website’s content relatively easy. 

A quick summary of the strategies for nonprofit marketing 

With the ever-growing communal problems in the society – from poverty to mental health awareness to physical abuse and animal rights – more charitable organizations are required to help overcome the problems. Many nonprofit organizations are working to solve the problems, but not all of them are doing it the right way. 

This article discussed some tips to improve the marketing for your nonprofit organization. Here’s a summary of the current trends that will help you create a more effective marketing strategy for your nonprofit organization: 

  • Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the major marketing channels for nonprofit organizations – and rightfully so. If people see their investments put to the right cause, they will tell their relatives and friends about it. 
  • Videos that convey a story have a lasting impact on the viewers. However, don’t spend a lot on producing professionally shot videos. Instead capture the events and activities conducted by your organization.
  • Sending newsletters via emails is a sure way to keep your target audience up-to-date. Even if the emails are not opened, people read the name of the sender and the subject which helps in retaining the nonprofit brand’s name. 
  • Nonprofit organizations must adapt their marketing strategies to not only reach new audiences but also maintain relationships with their current supporters. For this reason, a website is absolutely essential to keep consumers more informed. 

Author Bio

Osama ZahidOsama Zahid is a technology content strategist who is passionate about content marketing and all things SEO. He has helped various companies rank their content on the first page of search engines. In his free time, Osama loves to play football and travel


What are some emerging trends shaping nonprofit marketing strategy?

Emerging trends shaping nonprofit marketing strategy include the rise of social media activism, the growing importance of storytelling and authenticity, and the increasing focus on data-driven decision-making and personalization.

How can nonprofits leverage social media activism as part of their marketing strategy?

Nonprofits can leverage social media activism by engaging with supporters on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, encouraging user-generated content and participation in online campaigns, and using hashtags and viral challenges to raise awareness and drive action.

Why is storytelling becoming increasingly important in nonprofit marketing?

Storytelling is becoming increasingly important in nonprofit marketing because it helps organizations connect with audiences on a deeper emotional level, humanizes their impact and mission, and inspires action and support. Compelling stories can drive donations, volunteerism, and advocacy.

What role does authenticity play in nonprofit marketing strategy?

Authenticity plays a crucial role in nonprofit marketing strategy as it builds trust, credibility, and loyalty with supporters and stakeholders. Authentic communication, transparency, and genuine engagement foster meaningful connections and long-term relationships.

How can nonprofits use data-driven decision-making to inform their marketing strategy?

Nonprofits can use data-driven decision-making to analyze donor behavior, track campaign performance, and segment their audience for targeted outreach. By leveraging analytics tools and insights, organizations can optimize their marketing efforts for greater impact and efficiency.

What are some examples of personalization in nonprofit marketing?

Examples of personalization in nonprofit marketing include tailored email campaigns based on donor preferences and giving history, personalized fundraising appeals that address specific interests and motivations, and customized content experiences on websites and social media.

How can nonprofits adapt to the growing trend of mobile and digital fundraising?

Nonprofits can adapt to the growing trend of mobile and digital fundraising by optimizing their websites and donation forms for mobile devices, leveraging social media platforms for peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding campaigns, and exploring mobile payment options like text-to-give and mobile wallets.

What role does video content play in nonprofit marketing strategy?

Video content plays a significant role in nonprofit marketing strategy as it is highly engaging, shareable, and effective at conveying emotional stories and impact. Nonprofits can use video for storytelling, donor appeals, event promotion, and advocacy campaigns.

How can nonprofits harness the power of influencer marketing in their outreach efforts?

Nonprofits can harness the power of influencer marketing by partnering with influencers who align with their mission and values, engaging them in advocacy campaigns and fundraising initiatives, and leveraging their reach and credibility to amplify their message to new audiences.

What impact does the rise of virtual events and online communities have on nonprofit marketing?

The rise of virtual events and online communities has expanded opportunities for nonprofits to engage with supporters globally, reach new audiences, and facilitate peer-to-peer networking and knowledge sharing. Nonprofits can leverage virtual events for fundraising, education, and advocacy efforts.

How can nonprofits stay ahead of the curve and adapt to evolving trends in marketing strategy?

Nonprofits can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to evolving trends in marketing strategy by staying informed about industry developments, monitoring emerging technologies and platforms, testing new approaches and tactics, and soliciting feedback from their community and stakeholders.

What role does content marketing play in nonprofit marketing strategy?

Content marketing plays a crucial role in nonprofit marketing strategy as it helps organizations attract, engage, and retain supporters by providing valuable and relevant information, resources, and stories. Content marketing encompasses a range of formats, including blog posts, articles, infographics, and podcasts.

How can nonprofits leverage partnerships and collaborations to enhance their marketing efforts?

Nonprofits can leverage partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, businesses, influencers, and community leaders to expand their reach, access new audiences, and amplify their message. Joint campaigns, co-branded initiatives, and shared resources can strengthen nonprofit marketing efforts.

What role does advocacy and cause marketing play in nonprofit marketing strategy?

Advocacy and cause marketing play a vital role in nonprofit marketing strategy as they help organizations raise awareness about social issues, mobilize supporters around shared causes, and drive systemic change. By advocating for policy reform and social justice, nonprofits can amplify their impact and advance their mission.

How can nonprofits measure the effectiveness of their marketing strategy and adapt to changing circumstances?

Nonprofits can measure the effectiveness of their marketing strategy by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, engagement metrics, donation conversions, and campaign ROI. By regularly analyzing data and soliciting feedback, nonprofits can identify areas for improvement and adapt their strategy to changing circumstances and donor preferences.

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